Does the Aura really exist or is it just a New Age Fantasy?

Have you ever asked about the Human Aura before? What do they usually tell you? That is doesn't exist, its an imaginary energy field, or something else? How do we know it's really there? We take it beyond Kirlian photography to highlight one of the most overlooked details missing from modern education and health 101.

Sep 20, 2022

Spirit Science

5 min

Why do people believe in Auras?

At some point in our lives, many of us come across the topic of Auras, from seeing them in our TV Shows, Video Games, Movies, Comic Books, and every New-Age 'woo-woo' Spiritual platform out there. But eventually, we have to ask... is there actually something to this? Or is it just all in our heads? Where do Auras come from? Do the 'Science Gods' endorse Auras? Some people even claim to see Auras, sometimes born with the ability, or acquiring it through near-death experiences. Often it is described as a fuzzy bit of color surrounding you that seems to change with your mood. Are Auras truly a new concept or have we known about them for much longer than we think? Let's dive in!

While this article is written from a personal perspective, one page simply cannot do the topic enough justice, and there are many equally valuable perspectives on what the Aura is and is not that you may come across. In this examination, we are going to bring together the most commonly accepted metaphysical facts with a touch of deeper knowledge that may only be found through serious research into the matter, which is often harder to find in the public eye.

In the context of human existence, our Aura and energy fields are often said to occupy various planes of reality simultaneously. Depending on the research you follow, as you study you can boost your understanding about your wellbeing through learning the ways you experience your personal energy field.

The healer pictured above performing energetic self-scanning through Qi-Gong

Where is your Aura?

These Auras and energy fields are an expression of our pulsing breathing Life Force in motion. We call ourselves human ‘beings’ because the being is a verb, by adding the ‘ing’ we are existing in a constant state of emitting our Life Force.

The Aura is probably best described as the electromagnetic field that when put experienced in the right context, can be perceived all around the body - yet this doesn’t fully encompass the true meaning. Since the time of our distant ancestors, the aspects of the Aura have been studied in detail, and in general, one could derive that there are seven layers (on a basic level) to the Aura and it is said they interact in sync on different planes of existence which cross over into the territory of other dimensions.

While we are in the 3D / 4D and it may be hard to conceptualize what that might look / feel like, there are parts of our ‘body’ that function this way as it is completely normal, similar to the idea of dreaming each night, as we are linked to realities that are part of our natural daily lives yet some never question.

Some of what we call the Aura is physical and this can be perceived by a keen eye as a somewhat white light emitting just a few inches around the body. Most of the Aura is more etheric and less saturated in color which extends even further past the first layer around the body. From an astral perspective, the Aura can reach much further depending on the person and their spiritual level.

What does an Aura actually do?

Like our DNA, the energy of our Aura is intelligent and able to send, receive, and store information. It does this with the duality of both negatively and positively charged energies, often explained as Yin and Yang, and uses our physical body to do this. The Ancient Egyptians also had another understanding of this relationship between ‘BA’ and ‘KA’ as these energies are intimately intertwined.

Because in our universe, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another, this energy is omnipresent, although not always active, similar to the potentiality of a light switch. This ubiquitous governs the planes of the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms. This energy stores memory and consciousness, with the ability to exist within the past, present, and future. In the context of relationship dynamics that we experience throughout our lives, we can all relate to the sticky past energy that keeps old patterns going as we fall in and out of habits.

Through reflection, we can look back into the patterns of our past and also energetically into our future. Based on past experiences that have influenced our energy fields some will have a lighter or heavier energy than others that can be perceived even by strangers who may not be able to read Auras but are simply good at reading people. All of this determines their frequency. Imagine it as a conscious force existing and operating at a certain vibrational level seeing things from a specific vantage point in reality. This affects one’s energy and is built up over time and intention.

For those looking for further sources, you also can reference my reading list.

The 12 Chakras pictured above, represent the layers we are most commonly familiar with.

See Chakra Balancing 101 Guide

People who vibrate at different energies choose to do things differently, with alternative paths that skew their lives in different directions within our collective timeline. This is similar to two different people throwing a basketball, while they may both follow a similar direction, the person who has been vibrating at the frequency of the game is more familiar and thus will have a different outcome as it leaves their hands. The frequency is based on resonance, how aligned one might be to a specific outcome.

One of the deepest associations we make to resonance on a daily basis is the word we speak and the way it resonates with people. You can read more about it in Word Magic: Spelling, Spells, And The Secrets Of Language, a blog I wrote exploring the imprint on our societal zeitgeist.

For example, as a body existing within a soul (as the flesh is much smaller than the entirety of our being) our Aura energy moves on a grand adventure from one vessel to the next experiencing several lifetimes and what happens in each one leaves a imprint in your energy that some people access through hypnosis during ‘Past Life Recalls’. This movement occurs on every level in every plane of your existence, so it’s not only physically affecting you, but influencing the fabric of your being constantly, sometimes directly or indirectly. This is only possible through accessing a particular resonance that has been preserved, and transferred through a process we have yet to unpack.

Our DNA is the antenna, directing the frequency, which is measurable via. tools that allow us to attune our personal vibration on a daily basis like The Genius.

Why does it matter to know about Auras and Biofields?

Around the world, there are people like us who have ways to scan and read the Aura, who can look at this stored information and tell you how that can affect your well-being in a physical, psychic, and spiritual sense.

Big love to the other Psinergist groups out here, Sabrina has been dropping crucial information on this lately, though you will need to be strong to process it. While the public is distrastracted, there are very pressing issues around Biosensors, Piloerection, SMART Dust & SMART City Dangers that many newcomers to this subject are unaware of. Because it affects me, you and everyone else who believes in it or not, we are processing what it means to be in a world where electronic warfare is here and very real.

As human antennas (not batteries) Auras are affected by this battle of the frequencies the most, so now is a pivotal time to kick your awareness into gear if you look around the world and can see the layers of what is happening.

It's a subject we'd have to go into a later time, just brace yourself for the good, bad, and the ugly, because we are only waking up in the middle of a battle that has been going on for ages. It can be alarming to realize how much truth has been buried and why.

Everything carries a frequency, find what frequencies are in your information field through the voice.

When dealing with the other "80% of our immune system" in most cases, you see a condition develop in the Aura BEFORE it manifests in the body, and you may even feel when emotions seem to be trapped in certain parts of your body. Because the Aura is direct consciousness, your consciousness is not bound to your brain, rather, your body is a reflection of the intent of your will and the accumulation of the energies you carry.

In a more or less grounded example, imagine you want to lose weight... first, you picture what you would look like lighter than you are now. That image and desire stems from a place of wanting to be lighter. As beings made up of light, dependent on the source of our Sun to live in this experience - our subconscious begins to crave this light like food, some rare people can even live purely off of it, and we call them breatharians. We begin to eat light, often involving more plants in our diets, and perfected with Breatharians. Plants use photosynthesis, converting light into Life Force energy to grow. We consume these intending to get lighter, which allows for releasing emotional baggage and lighter moods.

Everything has a frequency, these are just a few examples

In the event that you accumulate too much light, you might see yourself become too frail (in a physical sense) and appear to be on your way out of this 3D realm. In death, and recalling the words of many who have experienced near-death experiences, we often say 'Go to the light' or 'Don't go to the white light' fearing a realm where only the essence of our light exists. This light that you possess that can be diminished or projected is the truest representation of you, and the reason we sing popular songs like 'This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine' etc... 

You can read more about light and its important relationship to our human DNA on our science page in greater detail. All the vibrations in your energy create what is seen in the reading, and here at Light Body Balancing, we use a fascinating special Bioresonance software called The Genius to generate an intuitive Aura picture.

Through a one-of-a-kind voice analysis technology and advanced photograph scan, we can see your Aura expression, the mood, and even more nuance aspects down to what you might of eaten last night, or how your emotions have been affecting your physical body lately.

Commonly, people visit spiritual places like Sedona AZ in order to try Aura Readings in person, and since about 1939 Auras have been photographed using a Kirlian camera that is one of the few cameras capable of capturing this particular light spectrum. Now we have the ability to show the Aura representation remotely using the convenience of our smartphones and complicated math algorithms.

Aside from only reading the Aura, we have the ability to influence it for the better, by using custom frequencies to repair and expand a person’s Aura, we can create profound and measurable changes in our lives as a result. This is truly proof that every living thing has its own unique Aura and vibration that is morphing and alive - you are invited to reach out if you would like to see your own Aura!


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