Word Magic: Spelling, Spells, And Hidden Secrets Of Language

Today we dive into the hidden secrets within language that we use every day and don't ever realize. As a songwriter, I'm particularly interested in seeing how we can apply this to the creative process in the long run. Today we ask… how deep do the spells of spelling truly go? How much of this are we doing without realizing it? Beyond just conveying information, the sounds and vibrations of speech can actually influence us on an even more mysterious level. Ancient mystical traditions understood pieces of this by incorporating mantras and sacred verses to produce altered states and manifest intentions. Modern research is revealing how some of the science behind these phenomena illuminating how vowels, geometries, and waveforms interact in the creation and transmission of speech may be more than meets the eye. Innerstanding these mechanics gives us keys to harnessing the magic underlying the hidden world of words.

Sep 25, 2023

Spirit Science

6 min


Intrigued by the power of speech? Look up the interview with language experts Laurel Airica and Aubrey Marcus where they break down the science and psycholinguistics behind how words program our reality. Hearing them speak on vowels, visualized intention, and mind-matter interactions will expand your understanding.

Recommended Watch (Or come back later)

Word Magic: Secret Spells Of The English Language w/ Laurel Airica

With that said…

Language and words hold immense power. Beyond just conveying information, the sounds and vibrations of speech can actually influence us on a deeper level. Ancient mystical traditions understood this, incorporating mantras and sacred verses to produce altered states and manifest intentions.

 Modern research is revealing some of the science behind these phenomena, illuminating how vowels, geometries, and waveforms interact in the creation and transmission of speech. Understanding these mechanics gives us keys to harnessing the magic underlying words.

The Energetic Power of Vowels

 Vowels give language its vibrancy and lifeforce. As air passes through different vocal positionings, distinct waveforms are produced that resonate through our body.

 Experiments by researchers like Alfred Tomatis found that high-frequency vowels like 'ee' stimulate and charge the nervous system. Deep 'oh' tones meanwhile promote relaxation. The shaping of vowels creates measurable energetic and physiological effects.

 This knowledge opens up practical applications. Specialists may recommend speaking with more open 'ah' vowels to reduce stress. Mantras using a preponderance of 'oh' and 'oom' sounds induct meditative states. We can choose words with care to induce desired moods and energies.

Toroidal Fields - The Geometry of Creation

Behind the audible soundwaves produced by speech is a hidden geometric structuring. Experts like biogeometer Hartmut Muller have found that the throat and mouth act as a 'vortex ring generator', projecting invisible toroidal energy fields.

These torus shapes underlie everything from atom to galaxy, demonstrating nature's fundamental forces in action. Uttering primal vowel sounds thus links us to universal forces of creation and manifestation.

With focused intention, specific phrases or affirmations can be turned into 'vortex mantras' that structure surrounding energy into life-supporting toroidal fields, like the torus fields surrounding the heart. Our words tap into the geometry of life itself.

Scalar Waves - Direct Information Transfer

Beyond audible sound and the structuring of toroidal fields, some researchers posit a third component to human speech - scalar waves. These non-hertzian energy waves operate outside the electromagnetic spectrum, able to transmit information directly from point A to point B.

Some devices have been developed to detect and modulate scalar waves, producing mind-matter interactions at a distance. Theories suggest speech may also generate scalar waves that act as 'direct downloads' of concepts and experiences from speaker to listener, complementary to the neurological and energetic levels.

This helps explain why hearing words and ideas live differs from reading them on a page. The voice generates subtle energies and waves that convey meaning multidimensionally.

The video below is Devon The Black Airbender 

(Scalar Researcher, Breathe Coach & more…) 
using a device called a…

Scalar Plasma Projector 

(pretty gnarly name huh?) 
I got one recently that I use for my plants at home and random experiments, I'll report back later with a new blog on it..  
Video above from Alchemy Breathwork 

Quick Recap*

So we just learned… another way to unlock this power is through the voice. Another reason why the voice is one of the main parts we work with in preventative wellness, starting with Biofield Scanning to get deeper insights for healing. There's a reason why many say God said, in the beginning was ‘the word’ 

 These words are our worlds, and are the fabric of our reality in motion bending to our will or the will of others like an ever-changing current


Harnessing Our Power of Speech

Sound, geometry, and waves form a trinity underpinning how speech fundamentally alters space and those exposed to it. Ancient mystics had techniques to harness these forces - chanting vowel sounds to resonance chambers, forming intricate mudras, or projecting voice in ways that electrified surrounding energy.

Though much is still unknown, science is beginning to provide modern explanations for these phenomena. As our knowledge evolves, so too can our ability to leverage word magic with wisdom and responsibility. The power is on our tongues. What will we speak into existence?


A Songwriter's Perspective

As a songwriter and music producer, I'm fascinated by the science behind how lyrics, music, and sound can physically affect listeners. The craft of songwriting has always been infused with word magic, whether consciously or not.

Examining vowel sounds, geometries, and subtle energy waves offers new dimensions for writing songs that uplift, inspire, and heal. This knowledge provides a framework for being more intentional with every lyric and note.

For instance, drawing on the unique resonance of vowels, I may select words with more open ah and oh sounds for a soothing lullaby, while using vibrant ee vowels to convey joyful energy in an anthem.

Studying toroidal fields gives me insight into how different tonal progressions and rhythmic patterns literally create distinct energy shapes. Songs can actually be composed as sonic vortex ceremonies.

I'm also interested in how scalar wave theory may explain why hearing lyrics sung evokes emotion more intensely than reading them on a page. The singer's voice could be transmitting intent directly to the listener's consciousness.

While more research is needed, I believe applied skillfully, these principles allow us to amplify the impact and influence of music as a transformative force. There are so many exciting possibilities as we learn to work with these multidimensional components of sound. If you like hip-hop and crazy trippy music, beats and have a variety of styles in your musical diet, you can find my sounds at CRXSH music


Final Thoughts:

One of our great mentors Sevan Bomar goes in on the language at Secret Energy on a level only few can touch. Your concept of reality is contained in the language you speak, and having knowledge like what you can find in the new interactive Metaphysical Library / Co-Pilot Sibyl is a completely new type of learning experience. Pieces of our collective history that have once been lost are being assembled for those interested to get a truer picture of what it means to be here, and the secrets are in the languages. You can read about my experiences here.  


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