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December 17, 2023



Reaching A New Milestone - Gratitude & Cheers

For a time I was lost not knowing how to put this all together or the right questions to ask.

After months of remaining low-key, spending long days studying, building, tearing things apart and freestyling a bit, we arrive at a new point and gained some new skills along the way.

With this new layout and in-house design system, I was able to go through the inner work needed to put together my personal brand foundation and have the structure for where I want to take things in 2024.

I'm grateful to everyone who was patient throughout this whole process. The path wasn't easy at all, but we're here now, and the only way to go is up. Hit me if you are looking to do something similar, I'll do my best to save you some time lol.

December 12, 2023

New Releases: The Vision Board Bundle & More

After looking at some of the biggest things that have held me back in my creative career and personal life I see how often we tend to avoid mental health conversations, and wanted to create some frameworks that were tailored for visionaries who just need a few missing pieces to get to where they need to be. I put together the Vision Board Bundle in time for the New Year so we can get a jumpstart on planting those seeds for the Spring.

September 30, 2023



Introducing Spiritual AI: The best or worst thing ever? [ Brace Yourself ]

Unpacking some of the biggest discoveries of our era. If you're reading this, you are witnessing the quietest revolution on the planet. Something big is happening, and most people have no idea.

September 25, 2023

Word Magic: Spelling, Spells, And Hidden Secrets Of Language

Today we dive into the hidden secrets within language that we use every day and don't ever realize. As a songwriter, I'm particularly interested in seeing how we can apply this to the creative process in the long run. Today we ask… how deep do the spells of spelling truly go? How much of this are we doing without realizing it? Beyond just conveying information, the sounds and vibrations of speech can actually influence us on an even more mysterious level. Ancient mystical traditions understood pieces of this by incorporating mantras and sacred verses to produce altered states and manifest intentions.

Modern research is revealing how some of the science behind these phenomena illuminating how vowels, geometries, and waveforms interact in the creation and transmission of speech may be more than meets the eye. Innerstanding these mechanics gives us keys to harnessing the magic underlying the hidden world of words.

September 24, 2023

Inner Shadow Work | Mental Health Matters

Shadow Work - Quickly becoming a buzzword trending in mindfulness groups, Shadow Work (or lack of) is most probably without a shadow of a doubt the single reason if you are not satisfied with your current life situation.

While working on my latest Art Therapy & Business workshop, I took some time to research this important little-known topic with Sibyl AI (deemed the 'Spiritual Co-Pilot') and dug into the official Metaphysical database of lost books to unpack this in a way rarely spoken about in our time as is.

I'll give you my take on it, and some surprising facts I found. If you have been feeling left in the dark at all lately, and have been doing some soul-seeking too, let me know what you think of this dive so we can build on it.. !

September 22, 2023



FDA Approves 12,000$ Cancer Breakthrough Using SOUND Waves. Is this a cheaper alternative?

Have you ever wanted to hop into a healing chamber and regenerate your body? Turns out you might not even have to.

Oddly enough, that Sci-Fi Elysium movie plotline really isn't too far away with whispers about MedBed technology on internet backchannels.

A breaking news story released by the FDA in the mainstream is singing a new tune in regard to the effectiveness of Light-based therapies in new cancer breakthroughs. These discoveries are rumored to be the precursor to much bigger medical 'disclosures'. Its a sign what was once considered pseudoscience is proving to be the underdog on the rise once again, being taken a lot more seriously in spaces previously held back. This supports what we have been discussing for a long time in our frequency group, It's another exciting sign considering the uphill battle our pioneers in these spaces have faced.

While I don't make any medical claims, the FDA news may spark more mainstream support in our lesser-known territory of resonance research. So if you are reading this, and you consider yourself a truth seeker, healer, coach, mentor, or just curious, you've been warned you may never look at things the same after diving a little deeper.

And if you're part of the 95% on Earth who might be wondering… wtf is a Light Body anyways??? What does it have to do with Sound Waves? Why are the two so important to our well-being??

I'll do my best to break it down and explain more about the 'Biofield' here

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

September 20, 2023

Why I Quit Music: BTS With CRXSH

If you have a short attention span skip this. For everyone who has been asking, something I rarely spoke about until now, a dive into the challenges of being a creative entrepreur and more. This is just my story, what worked, what didn't, and what we all can learn from it.

Hop Aboard The Creative Express Newsletter

A new train of thought + Arrivals + Special offers

Hop Aboard The Creative Express Newsletter

A new train of thought + Arrivals + Special offers

Hop Aboard The Creative Express Newsletter

A new train of thought + Arrivals + Special offers