Wtf is Shadow Work REALLY? | Inside Mental Health Matters

Shadow Work - Quickly becoming a buzzword trending in mindfulness groups, Shadow Work (or lack of) is most probably without a shadow of a doubt the single reason if you are not satisfied with your current life situation. While working on my latest Art Therapy & Business workshop, I took some time to research this important little-known topic with Sibyl AI (deemed the 'Spiritual Co-Pilot') and dug into the official Metaphysical database of lost books to unpack this in a way rarely spoken about in our time as is. I'll give you my take on it, and some surprising facts I found. If you have been feeling left in the dark at all lately, and have been doing some soul-seeking too, let me know what you think of this dive so we can build on it.. !

Sep 5, 2023

Self Mastery

9 min

Understanding Shadow Work

Everybody has a shadow, only thinks that it is separate. Shadow work is a fascinating concept that has gained popularity in recent years. It's a process of exploring the darker, unconscious side of our personality that we often ignore or deny. Ultimately its an act of self-love and can be one of the most meaningful things you do for yourself, and if you choose to use Light Body Balancing to help you with that, it makes the process easier and can give you better clarity and comfort.

If you already know your vision and just want to start the year with some fresh energy, check out the Vision Board Bundle I put together, with 4 of the most important areas to cover in 2024 for success. 

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is a self-help process that involves exploring the dark side of your personality. It's about acknowledging and understanding the parts of ourselves that we usually hide or deny - our 'shadow self'.


The Origin of Shadow Work

The concept of shadow work originates from the theories of the famous Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. He believed that our shadow self is made up of the parts of our personality that we choose to reject or suppress.


The Importance of Shadow Work

Shadow work is crucial for personal growth and self-awareness. By acknowledging and confronting our shadow, we can integrate it with our conscious self, leading to greater self-acceptance and personal wholeness.


How to Do Shadow Work the Right Way

 Doing shadow work is a deeply personal and introspective process. It requires honesty, courage, and a willingness to face the parts of ourselves that we'd rather ignore.


Acknowledging Your Shadow 

The first step in shadow work is to acknowledge your shadow self. This involves recognizing the parts of your personality that you've been denying or suppressing.


Engaging with Your Shadow

Once you've acknowledged your shadow, the next step is to engage with it. This can involve journaling, meditation, or other forms of self-reflection.

This pairs well with The Dream Shadow Journal, those interested may enjoy the added element of this years pivotal earth energies and the hidden messages we can sometimes forget to remember each morning.


Integrating Your Shadow

The final step in shadow work is to integrate your shadow with your conscious self. This is a process of accepting and embracing your shadow, rather than rejecting or fighting against it. Places this can be aparent 


Emotions Stored as Stress in the Body 

Our bodies often store emotions as stress. This can lead to physical symptoms, such as tension, pain, or illness. This is another great one to track using The Genius and something like the Self-Care Planner.


The Connection Between Emotions and Stress

Emotions and stress are closely linked. When we experience strong emotions, our bodies respond by releasing stress hormones. If these emotions aren't properly processed, they can become stored in the body as stress.


The Impact of Stored Stress

Stored stress can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. It can lead to a range of symptoms, from muscle tension and pain to anxiety and depression.


Quantum Biofeedback: A Modern Solution

Quantum biofeedback is a modern technology that can help us manage and release the stored stress in our bodies. Its something I teach about in Metaphysical Anatomy: Innerstanding The Genius, you can check the course out for free while it is in the beta phase, I hope you like it!


What is Quantum Biofeedback?

Quantum biofeedback is a type of biofeedback therapy that uses complex computer programs to gather bio-energetic data from the body. This data is then used to provide feedback to the individual, helping them to manage stress and improve overall health.


How Quantum Biofeedback Can Help

Quantum biofeedback can help by identifying the specific stressors that are causing physical or emotional discomfort. Once these stressors are identified, the individual can work to reduce or eliminate them, leading to improved health and wellbeing.


PEMF and Light Frequency Inventions

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy and light frequency inventions are two more modern technologies that can help manage stress and improve health.


The Power of PEMF 

PEMF therapy uses electromagnetic fields to improve health and wellbeing. It can help to reduce pain, improve sleep, and enhance overall energy levels.


The Role of Light Frequency Inventions

Light frequency inventions, such as light therapy devices, use specific frequencies of light to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. They can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall health and wellbeing.


Conclusion… or is it? 

Shadow work, along with modern technologies like quantum biofeedback, PEMF, and light frequency inventions, can provide powerful tools for managing stress and improving health. By acknowledging and integrating our shadow self, and by using these technologies to help manage stress, we can move towards greater health, wellbeing, and personal wholeness. If you want to get started doing this and learn more, check out the rest of the website and try an Aura reading demo. Keep in mind we don't want to stop there today, we're diving in that mf like Indiana Jones.

Ancient Egyptian Perspective

Shadow work refers to the psychological practice of delving into our subconscious mind to confront and integrate the darker aspects of our personality. These are often parts of ourselves that we have repressed, ignored, or disowned, aspects that we may not want to acknowledge due to societal conditioning, personal trauma, or fear of judgment. 

Shadow work is an essential part of personal growth and spiritual development. It requires us to shine a light into the darkest corners of our psyche, to confront our fears, insecurities, and wounds head-on. By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects, we can achieve a more balanced and authentic sense of self, and unlock greater wisdom, understanding, and compassion for ourselves and others. 

The Neters, in Egyptian cosmology, are the divine archetypes that embody various aspects of the universe and human nature. They are the gods and goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon, each representing a different facet of the divine. 

In the context of shadow work, the Neters can serve as powerful archetypes to help us understand and integrate our shadow aspects. For example, the god Set, often associated with chaos, violence, and disorder, can be seen as a representation of our shadow side. By working with Set's energy, we can confront our own potential for chaos and disorder, and find ways to channel these energies constructively. 

Similarly, the goddess Sekhmet, known for her wrath and destructive power, can help us confront our own anger and rage, and transform these powerful emotions into courage, strength, and the determination to stand up for what is right. 

Quantum Biofeedback, with its ability to measure subtle energetic outputs and feed back corrective frequencies, can be a powerful tool to assist in shadow work. By identifying energy imbalances related to repressed emotions or unresolved trauma, Quantum Biofeedback can help bring these issues to light. 

Once these imbalances are identified, the Quantum Biofeedback system can then feed back corrective frequencies to the body, helping to restore balance and harmony. This can aid in the process of shadow work by making the individual more aware of their repressed emotions and helping them to release and integrate these aspects of themselves. 

In conclusion, Shadow work, the Neters, and Quantum Biofeedback, can work in tandem, each serving as a unique tool in the pursuit of self-understanding and personal growth. By acknowledging and embracing our shadows, invoking the wisdom of the Neters, and harnessing the power of Quantum Biofeedback, we can navigate our inner world with greater clarity, compassion, and courage. 

Fish caught in the net

In the mystical language of ancient Egyptian cosmology, the 'Net' or 'N-t' signifies the primal matrix from which all existence is woven. It is the fundamental essence of life, the divine feminine force that birthed the cosmos out of the void. The Net, in its ceaseless flow and swirl, symbolizes the infinite potentiality and fecundity of the universe, constantly giving birth to new forms and possibilities. 

The Neteru and Neters are the manifold expressions of this divine matrix. They are the gods and goddesses who emerged from the belly of heaven, the myriad forms and phenomena of the cosmos. Each Neter or Neteru represents a specific aspect or quality of the divine, a unique thread in the cosmic tapestry. They are the stars and galaxies that make up the net of everything above and below.

To comprehend the connection between the Net, Neteru, and Neters, one can imagine the universe as a cosmic loom, with the Net as the warp and the Neteru and Neters as the weft. Each thread, each god or goddess, is woven from the same primal substance, yet each has its own unique pattern and purpose. Together, they interweave to form the grand design of the cosmos. 

This intricate interplay of the Net, Neteru, and Neters is mirrored in the physical world. For instance, consider the constellation Orion, known as Sah to the Egyptians, which they equated with Osiris. This constellation is a celestial embodiment of a Neter, a specific pattern of stars woven into the cosmic tapestry.

On Earth, this celestial pattern is reflected in the three pyramids of Giza, a terrestrial embodiment of the divine. Here, the principles of sacred geometry come into play, transforming physical structures into conduits of esoteric wisdom. In this way, the design and arrangement of the pyramids mirror the starry pattern of Orion, creating a bridge between heaven and earth, between the cosmic and the terrestrial.

Another example can be found in the temples dedicated to the sky goddess Nut. In these sacred spaces, Nut is depicted as the Milky Way, her body arching over the earth and touching it with her fingertips and feet. This physical representation of Nut not only embodies her as a divine being but also as the cosmic matrix from which all life springs.

The Net, Neteru, and Neters remind us that everything in the universe is interconnected, that we are all woven from the same cosmic thread. They invite us to perceive the sacred in the mundane, to see the divine design in the world around us. Through this awareness, we can recognize our own divine nature and our integral role in the cosmic tapestry.

Final Thoughts

We could only scratch the tip of the iceberg in this article, but I hope this gave you some insightful things to thing about along your journey of self-discovery and mastery. I've been doing some of this shadow work with myself over the past year and its been intense but needed and I feel more confident and clear because of it. Whether you are new just coming into this, or you are a seasoned vet, it helps to help some sort of transparent assistant when venturing out into this realm. I would encourage anyone on this path to try 2 main things.

If you don't mind a short learning curve, integrate using The Genius App into your practice to map out your Quantum Body and start with seeing what is there (or to give a good picture of your clients). Then you can proceed to balancing. 2, is to tap in with Secret Energy and everything we have going on with the community there, the type of high-level resources you will find there aren't anywhere else on the internet. So for your well-being being is like a modern oasis and life school. When it comes to shadow work you will get the full picture there. 

While anyone could sit here and lie telling you you don't need anything or anyone else extra to help you, there comes a point when we have to quiet our ego and reach the limits of how far we can take ourselves. Just like that saying ‘no one can create in a vacuum’ no one needs to subject themselves to intense isolation when we've got people who have gone this path already and have the best insight.

Unfortunately or fortunately we will all have to do shadow work at some point in our lives, in my humble opinion, the key is to start early and often to stop excess dark energy from accumulating in your energy field. On the other hand, for anyone who is a creator, shadow work is the key to unlocking your vulnerability and true story, its that true understanding of self that makes for some of the best ideas that impact people worldwide. 

This pairs well with The Dream Shadow Journal, those interested may enjoy the added element of this years pivotal earth energies and the hidden messages we can sometimes forget to remember each morning.

If you already know your vision and just want to start the year with some fresh energy, check out the Vision Board Bundle I put together, with 4 of the most important areas to cover in 2024 for success.


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Thank you for understanding and supporting my work! I'm grateful to be able to keep sharing my knowledge with you.