Quantum Frequency Healing: Science Or Silenced?

Explore the cutting-edge fusion of Quantum Physics Energy and wellness in this curated list of resources. Uncover the profound implications of Scalar Light science, Bioenergetics, and Biofeedback, building upon the legacies of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Raymond Royal Rife. We look at the transformative journey at the forefront of emerging wellness modalities, challenging conventional views on health and consciousness.

Nov 30, 2023

Spirit Science

12 min

Below this article, you'll find a helpful list of the most important resources for learning more about wellness using Quantum Physics Energy, Subtle Energy Bodies, Scalar Light science, Bioenergetics / Biofeedback / Biofield tuning  Applications.

Working with frequencies in our context expands on the famous Nikola Tesla's findings along with elements of Dr. Raymond Royal Rife's life's work, and many more researchers/inventors who have pioneered in this realm.

What Einstein often referred to as "Spooky action at a distance" has now been perfected further and may change the way we see health/wellness in the future.

In pursuing these studies, many will be challenged to learn, unlearn, and relearn many things we have been taught about the opportunity and limitations of the way this world works, thus putting this field at the forefront of emerging wellness modalities.

When coming across this type of work, one may encounter many different names for the same energetic movements. The concept of prana, otherwise known as chi (Ki or Qi) or nicknamed "inner-chi" is culturally similar around the world to the general idea of a flowing vital life force energy we all possess.

Mastering the movement of this force in extremities can look like the mysterious element that allows highly specialized Martial Art Masters the ability to chop bricks in half with their bare hands. It allowed expert Reiki healers to dissolve tumors and other seemingly impossible wonders. People who master Tai Chi or Qi-Gong especially experience the current of abundance and magnitude of what Qi can do.

This 'unexplained phenomenon' is sometimes thought to be 'woo-woo' by those who often miss that the Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist are all speaking the same language in different terms.

It's critical to keep in mind that in this field we also have those who make vast claims without being grounded in reality, which can ruin it for those of us who have pure intentions. So it is important to differentiate the reflections of opinions by those who are often driven by profits rather than helping people, please use discernment.

Through years of domination by a select few, we have lost and recently regained the true knowledge of how this Life Force works, and now we are entering a new era where we can finally celebrate this renaissance.  

To truly be as advanced as we often claim to be, we begin to remove the egos and preconceived stigmas that hold us back from seeing the beauty of our potential, which means drawing from the best that our traditions around the world have to offer.

In honoring those who came before us, the work and labors of love they left for us, we can set ourselves up for an abundant future. All the science in the world cannot fix a poor mindset, as you read this we represent a much bigger shift in the consciousness of humanity, which can be seen physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

In the scientific and physics community, the term 'Scalar' energy is known by names like; Tesla energy, Eloptic energy, Radiant energy, Torsion energy, and more... You may also often see physicists refer to terms like the Unified Field Theory or Zero-Point energy.

Electromagnetic energy and scalar energy are the two prominent energies that we interact with in our universe (while there may be more, that's a discussion for a later time...)

Electromagnetic energy degrades over time and distance, making it different from the consistent characteristic of Scalar wave energy.

This degradation is called Entropy, and Negentropy is the coveted term for self-organization. This is similar to the concept of creation and destruction, or slow destruction over time (finite). 

Another example is the way radio waves travel for a short distance before beginning to fade, and you can no longer pick up the signal. Scalar waves have the property of creating matter, traveling from one side of the planet faster than the speed of light, penetrating through walls and any material structure instantaneously without losing strength, unaffected by time and distance.

All of creation emits some form of Scalar light which we can interpret as information. This is the very process plants use as they unpack information from the Sun in the form of light, and understand it as instructions to grow.

If you look at the way we see colors, how they influence our moods, and the colors as forms of light affecting how we feel, it is easy to see how we wear color combinations to communicate our feelings and intentions.

A man named Max Planck (1918 Nobel Prize winner) put forward the important idea that the energy of light is proportional to the frequency, and the factor that relates them is known as Planck’s constant (h) Planck's discoveries led to Albert Einstein ascertaining that light exists in discrete quanta of energy, known as photons.

While Scalar light is not commonly talked about, many may recognize photons from our common high school textbooks, although without some of the missing pieces the knowledge might have felt complex and inapplicable at the time. 

OG Tesla the goon, in his lab cooking up cold plasma heat

Free Energy Towers - 1800's

A bit of untold history you can find with a bit of digging. Better than Star Wars?

Another man by the name of Rupert Sheldrake brought forth the term "Morphic Resonance" in 1981. His hypothesis of formative causation reinforces the significant role that morphogenetic fields play in the creation and nurturing of systemic structure at every level of complexity.

Sheldrake proposes the idea of "mysterious telepathic-type interconnections between organisms and collective memories within species” as a partial explanation for how mass formation occurs.

This alludes to modern conversations around Critical Mass Theory and the famous "100th Monkey effect", where separated animal communities can seemingly telepathically transfer a thought pattern - highlighting the presence of a collective energy pool we share and cannot see, yet influences our physical realm in very tangible ways.

In continuation, we observe how some pets know when their owners are coming back home even at irregular times, or can sense emotions, and even perceive diseases hiding around the owner's body.

More about Morphogenetic fields in the science of human history can also be found within the Voyagers series by Ashayana Deane (you can find on my reading list) as she thoroughly explores the relationship between these fields and alterations within our human DNA over time. The 'Freedom Teachings' are generally considered largely eye-opening, although use discernment with anything after 2012, I give my perspective in Metaphysical Anatomy & my Innerstanding The Genius 101 courses, feel free to pop over and learn more!

"…The fabric of our being is much more than meets the eye…"

This video does a great job walking through the history of how we got here. This channel is a great resource, and we offer ways to take the knowledge and apply it so that it is working for you.

FDA Approves Groundbreaking Research On Sound Waves & Alternative Treatments

12,000$ May be a little out the range for most people, but maybe it will come down?

Ultimately, what does this suggest? In the grand scheme of things, we truly are beings of light, not in a woo-woo sense but quite literally, and ultimately our DNA is much more than just a data storage unit.

This deserves many books in itself, and this page can only do small justice to the enormity of the topic, although one can derive from our simple exploration that the fabric of our being is much more than meets the eye.

Fritz-Albert Popp, an early 1900's German researcher in biophysics and biophotonics invented biophoton therapy coining the term "biophotons" which refers to coherent photons emitted from biological organisms. In short, our DNA creates Scalar Waves and stores them, this can be altered and broadcasted if it is in tune with Frequency, similar to a radio antenna.

This Scalar light is the omnipresent animating life force of all physical and metaphysical activity in our universe. This resonance serves as the carrier wave of all intelligence and information in the universe.

To better grasp why sound could have that potential, I have put together study materials within the Light Body Balancing project you can access below.

Light Body Balancing uses a special program called The Genius (developed by Ryan Williams) that has been tested and adapted from famous Biofeedback predecessors that used to cost thousands (inventions like the SCIO) which made it less accessible in previous years.

While some may aim to hide their methods, we believe in being open and transparent with no gatekeepers standing between the average person and accessing these same abilities.

While using this method for yourself may come with its own learning curve, we can provide individual training for advanced self-learning, or work with those who simply wish to use a unique Biofield tuning service you won't find anywhere else. 

By setting a new modern standard, The Genius uses our phone capability in new ways that allow interaction with Quantum as an alternative wellness option to be available.

Others can often focus on the health aspects, Genius Quantum Biofeedback (akin to Biofeedback is a manifestation-through-amplification tool, adding horsepower behind our intentions, and facilitating turning points within critical connections at the heart of our most minor and major issues. 

Keep in mind, any form of technology in the wrong hands can be disastrous... so we must support when our team humanity is winning. The world has lots of healing to do at the moment, so here we like to keep a bigger vision in mind, share gems, and pave the way with love. And with that... enjoy your journey!

This list will be updated periodically*


Learn About Quantum Healing: Get Started Here

Insight Health Apps (Creators of The Genius)

Connect With Practitioner Community & Learn More

Biofeedback General Education

Ending the Century-long Suppression of Alternative Healing, Free Energy & Antigravity Technologies (Must Watch)

​Center for Biofield Sciences Study

Dan Winter Explains Astral Hygiene, Auras and health explained through Plasma Physics

Secret Energy Community + Resource for Spiritual Development & essential body products that raise your vibration (Highly Recommend)

Mitochondria, DNA as light receptors | Resonance Science Study

"Spooky action at a distance" Spooky2 inventor speaks on Quantum Entanglement, Scalar Waves, and Successes in Remote Healing 

Sharry Edwards & FESIG - Total Wellness In The Voice (Presentation)

Scalar Energy Research Playlist With Dr. Meyl (Great for skeptics with a lot of time on their hands)

Live Blood Analysis - Foreign Graphene Structures, Frequency Discoveries

Psinergy PDF gifted by Sabrina Bionsensors & Biofield Balancing No Tech Techs


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