Genius Insight

Have you heard?

OK OK There's clearly SOMETHING going on… But what does this all mean…?

New research suggests we may need to take a more serious look at the way we view Frequency and our healing abilities…

Let's explore… how to tune your Aura / Biofield with Voice Print Analysis

After 2 million+ Biofield Scans worldwide, Genius Insight has been pioneering for over 20 years in Quantum Biofeedback, Precision Healthcare, and Self-care. If you are new to this little-known vibrational science, I invite you to check out some of my earlier blog posts for more information and context. I make no medical claims with this information, though it has helped me immensely, and I enjoy passing it along to those who need it because we are capable of much more than we can imagine, and now is the time to realize.

While I use vibrational balancing and imaging to enhance my life as a creator, I'm also a passionate Genius Biofeedback specialist because I know the way it impacts lives. Know that I am here to offer my experiences, and guidance for anyone interested in discovering more, feel free to reach out anytime.

At first glance…

…Want to skip the explanation?

Download the software here, and test it out for 2 weeks free, no strings attached.

The 'Missing Organ' - Revealing Hidden Messages

Imagine having the brainchild of the world's top integrative health experts in the palm of your hand, building on the research of greats like Nikola Tesla, Hulda Clarke, Ryan Williams and many more… what could you do with that?

Precision health care is becoming a bigger topic in the health and science community, but the spiritual science element has been missing from those conversations, making it even more important to dive back into the ancient wisdom that has been at the foundation of our collective knowledge, yet often overlooked.

Aura example pictured above. Each color represents minerals, emotions and other information within the energetic information field. Reading Auras has become an art of it's own, giving deeper information that can lead to profound changes.

Benefits of working with The Genius software:

✓ Easy Download Genius App software in less than 5 minutes

✓ Save costs, risks, waiting time, mistakes, and unnecessary procedures via Deliver Health At Source Point - in the home with Self Care remotely supervised.

✓ Real-Time Non-invasive Analysis mapped in 30 seconds using digitized voice, aura, body, mind, spirit, Biofield assessment to reveal root causes and solutions

✓ Quantum Cap Software Assessment Tool shares Digital PEMF or Biofeedback Therapy Proscription Corrections to Clients Smartphones to use for a week then % improvement

✓ Affordable therapy fosters ease of flow, success, self engagement and longevity

✓ Self Administered Self Care Therapy creates success, an impulse to share and care for others, or escalate to full certification training for other clients, resolve issues with nutritional support, detox, Biofeedback  for balance

Balance Red & Blue Zones - 15min Daily Technique

  • No barriers to entry

  • Custom Self Care

  • Cost Efficient Scaling

  • Free Weekly Classes from World Class Doctors & Integrative Health Practitioners

  • Access Unique Opportunities For School Credits

Healing With Sound Waves: Long-Term Thinking

Self-Care Solutions - creates ACTION and creates positive impact for humanity

Innovative Technology - come to life creating opportunities for sharing widely.

Low time or money investment costs - for ease of start up fosters more coaches

Low Overhead and Maintenance using Virtual Tools

Personal and Group Disease Risk Profiling Trends can create breakthroughs in Medical Mysteries

Progressive client makeover without risk, cost, or dealy = satisfaction

Improved Health Costs via prevention, detox, regular therapy reduces medication, insurance, and costs of morbidity and mortality.

Instant Global Outreach via. Fiberoptic IT parallels Biophotonic health care applications speed, precision

AI and ML permits scaling of protocols for massive impactful outreach and reduced administration. While Genius Insight is not traditionally considered AI as we understand it, there is a Quantum element that may be enhanced by the advent of AI in the future.

Training online rises the accessibility and prowess of coaches for standardized access to education

▶ If you are interested in a session or how to use the software, read below:

Consulting & Sessions Information:

Enjoy comfort and clarity:

Instead of done for you, these are done-with-you personal focus session(s) integrating Vibrational Science and/or Creative Arts / Business. Our goal is to help you ground Mentally, Physically, Spiritually - Holistically. Ask me anything. I offer Mentoring, Consulting, and Creative Guidance in the following:

  • Quantum BioSignature Reports: Light Body Analysis & Aura Picture

  • Energetic Balancing: Sound Healing, Frequency & 'Star Trek Tech'

  • Personal Brand Building For Conscious Creatives

Want a personal walkthrough? See my Services page to schedule a Session/Consultation, I also offer free 20-minute sessions when available to those who are interested.

And keep an eye on the Courses page for beginner information you can use to get started on your own.

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