Frequency First: Pros & Cons Of Quantum Biofeedback & Bioresonance

Peering into the bioresonance therapy vs. biofeedback discussion, acknowledging skepticism due to limited scientific evidence. Yet, while these 2 are different, numerous testimonials support their efficacy in healing. With an open mind, cautious optimism is key, considering personal health goals and ethical concerns.

Jul 31, 2023

Spirit Science

7 min

Time to settle the score between the Biofields, Bioresonance & Biofeedback… What is the difference?

Heads up, this is sort of a part one #WIP - the precurssor to studying Vibrational Science in Inner City Communities. Now that my first mini-course, 'Innerstanding The Genius' has launched (in beta) as a module within Metaphysical Anatomy, we can now have an honest chat about bioresonance therapy. There's been a lot of back and forth about whether it really works or if it's just a bunch of bs. And you know what? The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. First off, there is a difference between Bioresonance and the type of Quantum Biofeedback that you will see here, although there are some similarities which is a much bigger conversation.

The naysayers have some valid points. There isn't a ton of popularly accepted or politicized scientific research proving Bioresonance can treat illnesses, although there is certainly startlingly much more than the general public is aware of. It's rather confuzzling tbh, and leads to bigger questions outside the scope of just health and morality. The idea that frequencies can fix health issues does seem a little out there for most people. And sure, there are some over-the-top characters you will run into who make ludicrous claims about what Bioresonance can do. So skepticism is understandable.

Frankly, most of the world still doesn't have a way of understanding their own Biofield, its not in our formal education, but it's a part of our formal bodies. There seems to be a growing intrique beyond light or radiation based approaches and innerstanding the energetic potential in and around them with sound. That information that sound carries is what Bioresonance is said to interact with. Biofeedback is tracking the communication of life force, the dialogue of the lifestream, and returning aspects.

So why even consider Bioresonance?

Incredible testimonies from highly accredited Integrative Doctors in The Genius community have researched the effects of resonance for pain, digestive troubles, anxiety, you name it. And the basic idea that our bodies run on electrical signals isn't complete fantasy, its actually very literal. MRIs use magnetic energy to see inside us, after all, which is taken very seriously. I often find the Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist are speaking the same language with different terms. It's like a language, with a series of a few words you have the keys to unlock possibilities you never knew existed. The right term unlocks your awareness, thus you have the keys to matrix if you choose to view it that way.

There are a lot of other terms like Biofeedback, Quantum Biofeedback, Scalar Light Therapy, PEMF Therapy, Sound Healing Tones With Brain Wave Beats, Homeopathic Remedies etc… Because it all has to do with Frequency in some way. I suppose its easier for people to lump chunks of it into one category within Bioresonance (but its a general term, maybe too vague sometimes). One can simply drop a term like Biosentegrity (Simply visit the Science page to get fatigued with technical references) then all of a sudden we've got a multimillion-dollar industry involved.. yet somehow barely a peep to the public on what it truly indicates - in normal person speak.

If we agree to call it Bioresonance (Bio = Life, Resonance = Frequency) for now, in general, Bioresonance promises that it is drug-free using energetics to balance the body, and if done right anchored in natural principles. It empowers people to take the wheel of their own health and creative power, which is kind of a no-brainer if you ask me. Some will fear that it's a placebo and respond “If you feel better, does it matter why?”

To me it did, and luckily the explanations are equally fascinating, therefore my biggest role is just to try to save you time by taking it a step further in the realm of Quantum Biofeedback, with builds on the work of the great Nikola Tesla, Dr. Raymond Royal Rife, Ryan Williams, and many others.

Pros & Cons Of Bioresonance


  1. Non-Invasive: Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive procedure that doesn't involve any painful or uncomfortable treatments.

  2. Drug-Free: It doesn't rely on pharmaceuticals, making it an attractive option for those who prefer natural treatments.

  3. Holistic Approach: Bioresonance therapy takes a holistic approach to health, aiming to treat the root cause of the issue rather than just addressing the symptoms. We take it a step further here

  4. Personalized Treatment: The therapy can be tailored to the individual's unique frequency patterns, providing a personalized treatment plan. Track results with a planner or guide.

  5. Empowering: A Resonance-focused mindset encourages individuals to take an active role in their health management, fostering a sense of empowerment through reflecting with perspective on their energetic field. Keep personalized frequency playlists like remedies on your phone. More advanced than Binaural Beats, brain signals trigger important body processes naturally. Respond to pain, stress, and enhance workout ability.


  1. Lack of "Scientific" Evidence: It is generally believed by more politically controlled sources that there is a lack of extensive scientific research supporting the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy. It is often presented as a ‘skeptic who just can’t wrap their head around it'. While not every device or practitioner is good, there are many great people gracing this field worth your time, and the methods obviously have become popular for a reason, so you will see. One only needs to study historical evidence, and does not need to look far to find the basis of these principles is as ubiquitous as life itself.

  2. Cost: Bioresonance therapy sessions can be expensive depending on where you go, and they're often not covered by insurance, although I have heard this is changing. This can vary and/or be different for Biofeedback. They may save you money in the long run on bills, pills, and more expensive treatments, but no one can guarantee that because it might be an overstep.

  3. Misleading Claims: Some practitioners may make exaggerated or misleading claims about what bioresonance therapy can achieve. Please be careful, this is why we exist to help steer you in the right direction. Unfortunately, there are some people looking to make a quick buck that can ruin it for everyone, although it is important not to generalize.

  4. Not a Substitute for Conventional Medicine: While it can be a valuable adjunct therapy, bioresonance should not replace conventional medical treatment.

  5. Placebo Effect: Some critics argue that any perceived benefits from bioresonance therapy could be due to the placebo effect. See for yourself

Of course, there are ethical concerns when you talk about alternative medicine. There are always gonna be dishonest folks looking to make a quick buck. But frankly, that's true in Western medicine too. At the end of the day, we all have to do our homework before trying any new treatment. In this case, its better to move away from the term medicine and call it something new entirely..

The OG Paul Nogier - Pictured above, discovered the Nogier Frequencies for each body system

Frequency First

The Schumann Resonance, 43Hz, 528Hz, and the golden ratio of the Earth all have rich histories in the specific way life is created here on this planet. It's important to choose the right frequencies for corresponding situations, testing your voice with The Genius can help get you that information much faster, and deliver with masterful sonic accuracy.

Consider Nogiers, Meridians, and Heart Coherance Frequencies for better blood flow, shifting unwanted thoughts/patterns and relaxing body stressors.

This offers an important Biofield perspective on healing that deserves an open mind and makes a lot of practical sense.

As with anything in life, the smartest approach is cautious optimism. Evaluate all options with curiosity and discernment. Do what resonates with you and your health goals. Pun intended.


So in a nutshell, I think the truth about Bioresonance probably lies somewhere in the middle, though from my personal experience, I've learned there is a lot more to it, just like there is gold in everything and every person you meet.

Not to mention… there is a lot of money being invested into things like precision health care, and valid AI concerns that require us to discern when discussing these things, something I'm a little nervous new people won't grasp as time goes on, yet I choose to keep faith people will make it to the check-point without having needed to know the whole timeline. While we need more research, it clearly seems to help some people.

The healing potential of sound is taken very seriously at the highest levels, and even according to several doctors in the Genius Community who have conducted live blood test analysis, several documented significant differences after just a few minutes of exposure to the sound-based world-class 'Star Trek Tech'.

Part of the reason I use The Genius for my Energy work is because the company is not new, it's not popular, but it is known by the right people, who are responsible with it - Which matters more than I can begin to describe. Considering Insight Health Apps has free weekly classes where you can Q&A with professionals in the field (Dr. Deb Drake, Dr. Ariel, Klanmother, Michelle and many more) you have nothing to lose and a wealth of knowledge to gain by checking it out.

Let's help get the word out by making more people aware of these things, and the impact we can have will be beautiful. I share more about this in Metaphysical Anatomy: Innerstanding The Genius, with guides you can use throughout the foundational learning process, plus you get to apply it to a creative pursuit if you choose.

Follow us for the best ways to get started @LightBodyBalancing / X @LightBodyBasics


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