Vibrational Sciences & Transforming Inner City Communities

Our dive today explores the potential of vibrational sciences in urban regeneration, highlighting a grassroots victory in the Twin Cities to transform a warehouse into a creative community hub. It introduces concepts like Nogier's frequencies and Solfeggio frequencies, envisioning their integration to inspire creativity, heal trauma, and contribute to sustainable living, inviting the community to explore these transformative practices.

Jul 27, 2023


9 min


In the vast universe of wellness and healing, vibrational sciences have emerged as a fascinating frontier. These ancient practices, rooted in the understanding of energy and frequency, are now being rediscovered and reapplied in our modern world. This article delves into the intriguing world of transforming inner-city communities, and a huge victory in the Twin Cities that is going to send waves across the country! We bring in vibrational sciences, exploring Nogier's frequencies, meridians, and the secrets behind the Solfeggio frequencies. We'll also discuss how these practices can be integrated into urban communities, inspiring creators, and healing generational trauma. Try it yourself with Aura Balancing.


A Hard-Won Victory: How an Indoor Farm Could Nourish East Phillips

As a long-time East Phillips resident, I recently learned about the incredible grassroots victory to transform an old warehouse here into a vibrant, cooperatively-run community hub and indoor urban farm, spearheaded by the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute (EPNI).

This vision has been years in the making - so many of my neighbors have tirelessly organized against the city’s harmful demolition plans. Now we’ve won the chance to convert this space into something profoundly regenerative.

As a creative resident who works in energetic healing, I’m thrilled to imagine the possibilities. An indoor farm could provide fresh, organic produce to nourish our health. The programming could unite us through arts, culture and integrative wellness activities.

The cooperative model means residents would collectively own this space - not outsiders seeking to extract profits. And reducing environmental hazards means clearer air and better health outcomes.

I envision this site integrating innovative healing modalities like frequency balancing to aid the body's innate harmony. Paired with community creativity outlets, this space could empower us through compassion and self-determined resilience.

Through years of collaborative work, we manifested this vision against the odds. May this victory plant seeds of abundance, imagination and vitality to uplift East Phillips for generations. Our grassroots strength can cultivate holistic wellness through the fertile soil we call home. 

So what can we bring to the table?

Intro To The Power of Vibrational Sciences:

Nogier's Frequencies: The Rhythm of Healing

Nogier's frequencies, named after the French neurologist Paul Nogier (hats off to this guy) are a set of specific frequencies believed to resonate with different tissues in the body. These frequencies, when applied correctly, can stimulate healing and promote overall wellness. They serve as a testament to the profound connection between sound, vibration, and our physical bodies.


Meridians: The Energy Highways

Meridians, a concept central to traditional Chinese medicine, are the body's energy highways. They are channels through which life force, or 'Qi', flows. When this flow is smooth and balanced, we experience health and wellbeing. However, blockages or imbalances can lead to illness. Practices like acupuncture and acupressure work on these meridians to restore balance and promote health. In our case, we can Quantum Biofeedback to work with biophotonic light, sound waves, and PEMF to work non-invasively and strengthen our cellular structures to do this.


Solfeggio Frequencies: The Ancient Sonic Toolbox

The Solfeggio frequencies are a set of six tones that were used in ancient Gregorian chants. Each frequency is believed to have specific healing properties, affecting everything from relationships to spiritual enlightenment. These frequencies are a sonic toolbox that can help us tune our mind and body, aligning us with our highest potential.

Enhancing The Local Collective Frequency

Taking what we've been learning about the hidden powers of sound, and it's potential for health benefits, lets see what we can come up with for a situation like East Phillips. To actually use these frequencies properly, we can run them with professional programs like The Genius. If you want to try it for yourself, you can get a 2-Week Free Trial using my link here.

Individual Level:
  1. Physical Wellness: Nogier's Frequencies can be applied to address specific health concerns, providing a natural and holistic approach to healing for individuals within the community. Additionally, PEMF, Quantum Biofeedback, and other modes of delivery are becoming more accessible for the first time in modern history.

  2. Mental Clarity: Solfeggio Frequencies, when incorporated into activities at the community hub, may enhance mental clarity and relaxation for individuals engaged in creative and wellness practices.

Collective Level (Community Hub in East Phillips):
  1. Regenerative Community Space: Integrating vibrational sciences into the hub fosters a regenerative environment, promoting the physical and mental well-being of community members.

  2. Inspiration for Creativity: These practices can inspire creativity among community members, leading to the creation of art and activities that contribute to a vibrant, positive atmosphere.

  3. Healing Generational Trauma: The vibrational sciences, such as chakra balancing and sound therapy, can offer tools for addressing and healing generational trauma within the community.

  4. Sustainable Living Practices: Understanding and applying vibrational sciences may encourage sustainable lifestyle choices, aligning with the hub's vision for a healthier and harmonious community.

Additional examples…

Wtf - Drake Using Orgone?! Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Culture

As we unfold layers of lost knowledge about energy flow and harmonization, it's fascinating to see modern pop culture figures also tapping into these concepts. Recently a YouTube video surfaced showing Drake's mansions filled with so-called "orgonite generators." These resin and metal devices have become celebrities' latest fascination for their energy balancing effects.

The video explains how orgonites counteract EMF radiation, promote deeper sleep, and even amplify plant growth by up to 300% - evidence of their ability to transform chaotic energy into order. The layered composition works like an "energy sieve" producing what physics calls the piezoelectric effect.

Intriguingly, this echoes principles from ancient civilizations. Egyptian pyramids with alternating limestone and granite layers aimed to harness similar cosmic energies. Chinese feng shui recognizes energy flow in surroundings as pivotal for balance and harmony. Modern orgonites reveal we're rediscovering ancient truths about manipulating energy to transform spaces - and even consciousness itself.

Seeing influential figures like Drake actively integrate orgonite generators marks a shift, elevating these subtle energy tools from dismissed "pseudoscience" toward mainstream integration. And as we'll explore later, modern research into bioenergetics suggests science is finding validation for what ancients intrinsically understood about energy fields. Our world may be on the cusp of an era integrating these new (old) paradigm-shifting modalities.

If you are interested in getting your own, please be aware there are a lot of beautiful-looking fakes and orgonite scams you need to be aware of that do more harm than good. After years of researching different energy devices, I only trust ONE place for Orgone specifically and that is Orgone Amplifiers. My experience with them has been extremely positive and eye-opening.

Inspired Thought: The Intersection of Vibrational Sciences and Urban Communities

We're experiencing an increasing need to filter out lots of the noise from the influence of harmful propaganda that damages out mental wellbeing. While we recognize many systems have to change, we have to start through innerstanding our own system. Through a quantum lens we can begin addressing Unique Specific Challenges, and Complex Problems, from socio-economic disparities to health inequities. Vibrational sciences can offer innovative solutions to these problems. For instance, sound therapy using Solfeggio frequencies can be a cost-effective way to address mental health issues, reducing reliance on expensive medications. Similarly, teaching young people about meridians and energy flow can empower them to take charge of their own health, with preventative methods that save money in the long run.


Inspiring a New Generation of Creators

Vibrational sciences can also inspire a new generation of creators. By understanding the power of frequency and vibration, young artists can create music that not only entertains but also heals. This can lead to a transformation in the music industry, with popular music conversations shifting towards higher vibrations and conscious content. Also part of the reason why I created Metaphysical Anatomy, my first Spiritual Science course geared towards conscious creators who seek to know the world on a deeper level as we experience these major shifts in society.


Healing Generational Trauma

The big one. Generational trauma, a burden carried across generations, is a significant issue in many urban communities. Vibrational sciences offer a path to healing this deep-seated trauma and offer a lot of promising potential for exploration. Practices like chakra balancing and sound therapy can help individuals release trapped emotions, fostering healing and growth, but that is only scratching the surface. Another great way to heal is shifting your surroundings and influences - find your tribe at Secret Energy if you found this interesting and want to continue building with likeminded people.


The Role of Our App in Chakra Balancing 

A Glimpse into Your Energetic Biofield, reset to your highest potential, experience your fullest.


Our favorite app provides a unique opportunity to explore chakra balancing in a personalized way. It offers a glimpse into your energetic biofield, showing you where your energy is flowing smoothly and where blockages may exist. This insight can empower you to take proactive steps towards balancing your chakras and enhancing your overall wellbeing.


Clearing Blocked Energies

The app also provides specific frequencies to help clear blocked energies. By tuning into these frequencies, you can work on releasing trapped emotions, healing physical ailments, and aligning your energy centers. This can lead to profound transformations, from improved physical health to enhanced emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. Some areas of the body even the right foods, and best supplements / herbs can't even get to, but you can reach with light and frequency. This opens up new realms of possibilities when approaching Quantum Biofeedback, PEMF wearables and Scalar Light Therapy. 


The Future of Vibrational Sciences in Urban Communities

A Shift Towards Sustainable Living where it's needed the most

The integration of vibrational sciences into urban communities can also foster a shift towards sustainable living. By understanding our energetic nature and the interconnectedness of all life, we can make more conscious decisions that benefit not only us but also our planet. This can range from choosing eco-friendly products to adopting practices that reduce stress and promote harmony, both within us and in our environment.


The Potential for Widespread Impact

The potential impact of vibrational sciences in urban communities is immense. By empowering individuals with knowledge and tools to balance their energy, we can foster healthier, happier communities. This can lead to a ripple effect, with the benefits of vibrational sciences reaching beyond the individual to impact families, communities, and ultimately, our society.

Recently I was extremely happy to hear one of the Neighborhoods I


We're only really scratching the surface of what is possible, what is needed right now is awareness. Vibrational sciences offer a powerful tool for transformation, especially in 'urban' (what they refer to as 'urban' we could find a better word) communities. By understanding and harnessing the power of frequencies on ourselves and with the environment, foods, water supplies etc we can address unique challenges, inspire a new generation of creators, and heal generational trauma. Our app provides a practical way to explore chakra balancing and clear blocked energies, empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being. As we look to the future, the integration of vibrational sciences into urban communities holds immense potential for widespread impact, fostering a shift towards sustainable living and a healthier, happier society.

Try Nogiers, Meridians, and Solfeggio Frequencies out for yourself, experience less pain, less stress, better sleep and more energy.

If you made it this far… I invite you to ThinkTank with us at Secret Energy aka. The 'World's First Ecosystem For Conscious Creators' to meet more people like me (and yourself). Over the past few years I've learned how important it is to come together in Tribe to learn and grow, especially in these realms of spiritual evolution and intentional design. Before coming into a lot of this, I had to weed through a lot of confusion, so you wouldn't have to. I try to give back as I learn new things, and a lot of people have found these recommendations to be very meaningful to them, so I hope you can use them as jumpoff points.


For my writers out here… tap in. The Solarpunk fantasy genre has been taking off lately as fans want to turn away from dystopian nightmares into a more harmonious relationship with advanced technological accomplishments. I find it pretty cool and fascinating when you think about the future we manifest with our energy. I'll be exploring it more in my art at Time Travel Arts  


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