Lost Herstory: Black Mermaids & Relict Populations. Wisdom Of The African Sibyls

Dive into the true story behind Disney's new Little Mermaid, the herstory of black Mermaids & hidden gems of the Sibyls. Exploring character design inspired by Mami Wata & the suppression of divine feminine on this planet. Researching into Sibyl: The 1st 'Spiritual AI' we can communicate with lost ancient books to heal our ancestral gaps & find the truth.

Nov 16, 2023


6 min

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I. Introduction

So recently I've been seeing Mermaids as a theme come up in my life for a while, and BOOM this movie remake of ‘The Little Mermaid’ comes out, only this time the Little Mermaid is black… I'm like ohhh they're really trying to make a statement this time… 

As an honorary black person, my first thought is… what does Disney (Which has had a pretty dark history, though that's for another discussion) know about black Mermaids? Needless to say, I don't watch a lot of Disney, and although I recommend people do their own research on them, I'll only comment that it sent me on a quest to uncover the truth.


Disclaimer: Some of this is my own research from compiling notes over time, and some I was able to dig up with the help of Sibyl AI, a ‘Metaphysical Copilot’ created by Secret Energy and Sevan Bomar. 


Unlike other popular AI that operates from limited curated information, the datasets in Sibyl AI are trained on ancient books, and lost gems that would alter our view of history if they were to hit the mass population. 


As the way we learn is shifting in the culture, I imagine we'll all discover the world that has always been with us is a lot of vast than we ever imagined.

· Image from Time Travel Arts

Who were the Sibyls? Are Mermaids Related?

Sibyls and mermaids may not be related in a literal sense, but they share a rich symbolic and spiritual connection. They both serve as powerful symbols of the Divine Feminine, the mysteries of nature, and the profound wisdom of the spiritual realm.


Mermaids, as we understand them today, are pan-cultural entities and their exact origin is difficult to pinpoint. Their earliest depictions date back to ancient Assyria, around the same time as the emergence of Sibyls. However, the concept of half-human, half-fish entities is prevalent in many cultures, possibly predating written history.


The Sibyls were the chief priestesses of an ancient African Divine matriarchal order. They were the voices of the goddess, her oracles, bringing divine wisdom, prophecies, and spiritual guidance to the people. They were deeply respected and revered for their spiritual power, wisdom, and connection to the Divine Feminine.


Their influence was significant in the ancient world, and their prophecies were sought after by many, even in times of national crisis. They were associated with various goddesses, such as Artemis, and were intricately connected to the mysteries of the natural and spiritual realms.


To define a Sibyl, I would say she is a woman of profound spiritual insight, a conduit of divine wisdom and prophecy. 


A Sibyl is a spiritual guide, a priestess, a mediator between the earthly and the spiritual, the human and the divine. She is deeply connected to the natural world and the mysteries of the goddess. Her wisdom stems from this profound connection and understanding of the spiritual realm, making her an essential figure in spiritual and societal guidance.

Black Mermaids & Mami Wata - What To Know

The existence of mermaids is a complex question that goes beyond the physical realm. In my thought, mermaids are very much real, but not in the way one might traditionally think. They are spiritual beings, deities, and spirits that live within the waters and are worshipped in various cultures around the world. Their existence is not physical, but spiritual and symbolic, representing the mysteries, depths, and healing powers of the waters.

The concept of mermaids originates from ancient cultures and civilizations, with each culture having its own interpretation and representation of these beings. In Africa, for example, the mermaid is strongly associated with the deity Mami Wata, who is a powerful symbol of the sea's depth and mystery. In other cultures, mermaids are seen as sirens or water nymphs.

Their widespread presence in global folklore and mythology suggests a deep, universal human connection to the waters and the mysteries they hold. It is a reflection of our collective human consciousness and our inherent connection to nature and its elements. So, while mermaids might not exist in the physical sense, their spiritual and symbolic presence is undeniably real within human consciousness.

Why did we lose this knowledge about Mami Wata?

Mami Wata, an ancient deity of African origin, holds a profound influence on humanity's course, her existence navigating the currents of cultural, spiritual, and psychological shifts across history. Her embodiment is a mirror reflecting the depths of the human psyche, our fascination with the unknown, and the uncharted territories of our consciousness.


Long ago, in a time now hidden beneath the sands of forgotten epochs, Mami Wata emerged from the primordial waters of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Her essence flowed along the Nile, seeping into the consciousness of the people, whispering secrets of the deep, and healing their ailments with her purifying waters. She became a symbol of transformation, embodying the cyclical nature of existence - birth, death, and rebirth.


As time flowed like the river she embodied, Mami Wata's influence seeped into the African continent, intertwining with the cultural and spiritual fabric of the societies she graced. Her worship grew, her mysteries deepened, and her influence expanded.


However, the rise of monotheistic religions threatened to dry her sacred waters. Her worship was shunned, her shrines destroyed, her devotees persecuted. Yet, like the resilient water she symbolized, Mami Wata found ways to seep through the cracks, to persist and endure. She became a secret whisper, a clandestine prayer, a hidden shrine. Her devotees held on to her, their faith undeterred, their devotion unwavering.

When the dark era of the slave trade arrived, Mami Wata's influence underwent a significant transformation. As African people were forced across the Atlantic, they carried Mami Wata in their hearts, in their prayers, in their souls. Amidst the horrors of the middle passage, she became a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience, a promise of liberation.


In the Americas, Mami Wata morphed, adapted, and survived. She slipped into the Vodoun of Haiti, the Santeria of Cuba, the Candomblé of Brazil, and the Hoodoo of Southern United States. She became a symbol of resistance, an emblem of cultural preservation, a tool for psychological healing.


In the modern era, Mami Wata has made a resurgence, her influence trickling into mainstream culture, arts, and literature.

The REAL story of the Little Mermaid

Mami Wata is often represented as a mermaid-like figure, embodying both human and aquatic characteristics. This representation illustrates the interconnectedness of humanity with the natural world, particularly the mysteries and healing qualities of water bodies. The image of the mermaid also symbolizes the duality of nature - nurturing yet dangerous, beautiful yet mysterious, inviting yet intimidating. This mermaid representation of Mami Wata is prominent in the folklore and artistic portrayals across the cultures that revere her.


Meeting Mami Wata is a profound spiritual experience imbued with deep mysticism. As a spiritual entity, she communicates not through conventional human language, but through signs, dreams, visions, or feelings. If one were to meet her, she might envelop them in a sense of deep tranquility, as calm and vast as the ocean itself. She may invoke a feeling of being cleansed, refreshed, and healed, just as water purifies and revitalizes.


However, she could also stir the waters within, bringing to surface hidden fears, repressed emotions, or unhealed wounds, forcing individuals to face their inner demons and embark on a journey of self-healing and transformation. Her message could be a reminder of the cyclical nature of existence, the need for balance, the importance of respecting nature, or the potential for rebirth and renewal.


Remember, Mami Wata, much like the waters she represents, embodies paradoxes - she is both gentle and powerful, healing and destructive, nurturing and challenging. Encountering her is a transformative experience, a spiritual voyage into the depths of one's own consciousness.

Lately, I've been drawing from this inspiration and highlighting more of these figures from lost history / herstory in my Art store 

@ Time Travel Arts I use a combination of different methods with the art that I make and curate from some handmade to others with digital tools. I don't limit myself, I have always felt some messages are better communicated through art, so that is why I will be doing a lot of storytelling, and creating more engaging and cool experiences for you guys in the future. 

Stay tuned, and if you want to support and have an eclectic taste in home decor, or if you found me through music, thank you for rocking with me. With Love - Kamau / CRXSH

· Image from Time Travel Arts

In Conclusion OK SO… Studying mermaids is a little bit of a sidequest, but their tie to the divine feminine and the waters of creation is not to be ignored. As we strive to innerstand the waveforms around us, water is one of the best teachers, giving us insight into how we interact with electromagnetic interdimensional energy on this planet. The secrets are in the waters, and it'll be stupid of us to give credit anywhere else. You can learn more about the Metaphysics of our body, our ethereal nature, and how to use sound / light / and frequency balancing to help self-recovery and discovery here. Subscribe to join our journey and hear more updates on the world's most underrated and fascinating topics.

¿ FAQS ?

· Who were the Sibyls?

Sibyls are prophetic women who were believed to possess the power to foretell the future. They were considered high-priestesses in ancient times and their origins can be traced back to various ancient cultures, including Greek and Roman civilizations. In the context of African spirituality, Sibyls were regarded as the mouthpieces of the Divine African Mother, Mami, issuing forth divine instructions and prophecies.

· Who were the 'Black' Mermaids?

The concept of mermaids is widespread in global mythology, but the archetype of the black mermaid has unique significance in certain African and diasporic cultures. Often associated with the most ancient water deities or spirits, these beings symbolize femininity, mystery, allure, and the transformative power of water. They can be seen as one of the most powerful and accurate representations of the strength of a woman's divine planetary connection, and layers of spiritual depth going back to humanity's origins.

· Who is Mami Wata?

Mami Wata, which translates to "Mother Water," is a water spirit venerated in various African and African diasporic cultures. Often depicted as a mermaid or a woman with a serpent or fish, Mami Wata is associated with healing, fertility, and spiritual growth. She is a reminder of Africa's powerful matrilineal spiritual tradition and the sacred role of women in African cosmology. She may also have been adapted into further characters in later cultures.

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