The Missing Organ: What They Forgot To Teach In School

In this dive on the art of Human Design we explore spirituality and lost anatomy 101. Learn about the Merkaba, Diamond Body, Light Body, and Rainbow Body, as integral parts of our spiritual anatomy. Activating these perceptions, achieved through what is referred to as the biofield is considered vital for holistic self-understanding and connection with the universe. What ideas can we pull from this creatively? Let's see ✍🏽 ↴

Jul 23, 2023

Spirit Science

5 min



Recently I came across the Psinergy channel that has a wealth of information on Bioenergy and what Sabrina coins as 'The Missing Organ'. In the realm of spiritual growth, several concepts are often mentioned but rarely innerstood. These defining universal principles aren't taught in formal education so people since ancient times have resorted to mystery schools for this knowledge (keep in mind Mystery schools can be drastically different from each other) although there is some debate on whether or not this should be revealed to the public more widely. Among these are 4 similar terms shrouded in controversy and mystery. If you want a deeper innerstanding, I highly recommend checking out my first course on this I recently put together called 'Metaphysical Anatomy', including this information and a lot more.

With that said.. let's dive in!

  1. The Merkaba

  1. The Diamond Body

  1. The Light Body

  1. The Rainbow Body

These are not just abstract concepts, but rather, they are activated organs of spiritual perception. In this article, we will delve into these fascinating aspects of spiritual development, and see how it ties into our discussions of The Human Biofield.


Understanding Spiritual Perceptions 

Before we dive into the specifics, it's important to understand what we mean by "spiritual perceptions". These are the ways in which we perceive and interact with the spiritual world.

Just as we have physical senses to interact with the physical world, we also have spiritual senses to interact with the spiritual world, most of us are never taught what these are, or believe they are exclusive to a specific religious philosophy.


The Importance of Activating Spiritual Perceptions 

Why is it important to activate these spiritual perceptions? The answer lies in the nature of our existence. We are not just physical beings, but spiritual ones as well. By activating our spiritual perceptions, we can experience a fuller, more holistic understanding of ourselves and the universe.

In my experience, Secret Energy does the best job of explaining this in a grounded way, but ultimately its something you choose for yourself because not only does it exist, but there is a ton of fascinating info to learn about Bioenergetics that teaches the true history of our purpose on Earth, its worth your time.


The Merkaba: The Vehicle of Ascension

The Merkaba, also known as the "chariot of ascension", is a powerful spiritual tool. It is a geometric, crystalline field of energy that surrounds the body and extends out to about 55 feet. When activated, the Merkaba can help us to ascend to higher spiritual dimensions.

This is not exactly the same as the Biofield from our previous articles, yet there is some overlap of the Biofield ideas.


Activating the Merkaba 

Activating the Merkaba involves a series of meditations and energy work. It is a process that requires dedication and practice, but the rewards are immense. An activated Merkaba allows for greater spiritual growth and understanding.


The Diamond Body: The Body of Enlightenment 

The Diamond Body is another important aspect of spiritual perception. It is a term used in Tibetan Buddhism to describe the body of enlightenment. It is said to be indestructible, just like a diamond.


Achieving the Diamond Body

Achieving the Diamond Body involves a process of spiritual purification and transformation. It is a journey of letting go of old patterns and embracing a new, enlightened way of being.


The Light Body: The Body of Pure Energy

The Light Body is a body of pure energy. It is the spiritual body that our consciousness resides in after physical death. Activating the Light Body allows us to experience higher states of consciousness while still in the physical body.


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Activating the Light Body

Activating the Light Body involves a process of raising our vibration and expanding our consciousness. It is a journey of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. While some of this may sound a little too ‘woo-woo’ those who have the dedication can read more lengthy research on the body as biophotonic light matter here. The term Light Body is usually referring to ethereal elements of energy field. This can easily be tracked and visualized through using a Logbook & recommended Frequency Apps.


The Rainbow Body: The Ultimate Spiritual Achievement

The Rainbow Body is considered the ultimate spiritual achievement in certain Tibetan Buddhist traditions. It is said that when a person achieves the Rainbow Body, their physical body dissolves into pure light at the time of death.


Achieving the Rainbow Body

Achieving the Rainbow Body is a process of spiritual purification and transformation. It involves letting go of all attachments and realizing the true nature of reality.

I am currently working on an evolving music album project called Rainbow Body for CRXSH, and will post more about it as time goes on. I explore these concepts and more, coming from a creator's perspective as a musician and designer sharing my life experience.


Check out my latest Locavarts interview on RAINBOW BODY, my upcoming album. Hosted by Mary Prescott & Sanguine Arts



The Merkaba, Diamond Body, Light Body, and Rainbow Body are all aspects of our spiritual anatomy. By activating these spiritual perceptions, we can experience a deeper connection with the universe and a greater understanding of our true nature. It is a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth that is open to all who are willing to embark on it.  

If you want to dive deeper and explore your own energetic field, an Aura Scan / Picture and Description helps lay it out from the start. Using a special patented technology you can reach new realms of perception and solutions.


Find out more by getting a special visual picture of where you are at using Quantum Biofeedback. I've found that its a way that puts everything together for you very nicely, I'll try to simplify it more in the future because it can get confusing. Secret Energy also teaches this very well, and does a good job relating the metaphysical and very physical sides of it.


Join us for more info on everything we covered, what to do about it, where to start, where NOT to start lol and most importantly, how to fall in love with the process.


What is the Merkaba?

The Merkaba is a geometric, crystalline field of energy that surrounds the body and extends out to about 55 feet. It is often referred to as the "chariot of ascension" and can help us ascend to higher spiritual dimensions when activated.

What does the Diamond Body represent?

The Diamond Body, a term used in Tibetan Buddhism, represents the body of enlightenment. It is said to be indestructible, much like a diamond, symbolizing spiritual purity and transformation.

What is the Light Body?

The Light Body is a body of pure energy. It is the spiritual body that our consciousness resides in after physical death. Activating the Light Body allows us to experience higher states of consciousness while still in the physical body.

What is the Rainbow Body?

The Rainbow Body is considered the ultimate spiritual achievement in certain Tibetan Buddhist traditions. When a person achieves the Rainbow Body, their physical body dissolves into pure light at the time of death.

How can one activate these spiritual perceptions?

Activating these spiritual perceptions involves a process of meditation, energy work, spiritual purification, and transformation. It requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. You can keep track of your growth easily with something like a logbook, here's one I put together for you to simplify the process.


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