The Masculine & Feminine Side Of Being A Healer

This article examines the importance of integrating feminine qualities like nurturing and intuition with masculine qualities like structure and logic to become a balanced and effective healer.

Nov 21, 2023

Spirit Science

12 min

"This means life coaches, athletic therapists, health consultants, holistic doctors, and any wellness enthusiast can service people quicker, deeper, and better.

This is one of the skills I invested in during the start of the pandemic and haven't looked back since.

There has never been a better time to learn."

Find Out More

First, wtf makes a good healer? (For Context)

On the Light Body platform, we share about the emergence of quantum holistic balancing artforms involving methods using organic Hue-man Design. W

e break down how to use personalized 'Wavebending' methods to release tension serving areas of the body that modern drugs and nutrition don't reach (15min, 2x a day).

While you technically don't need to profess to be a 'healer' to do this, any average person can build on the abundance of groundwork that has already been laid, start from a further point as one of the first to own what some have been referring to as 'Star Trek Tech'.

While I have seen other companies attempt to release similar things, unless you have really done your homework, you may think they are all the same and waste your time.

Let me add, while I love to focus on creative arts & design experience in my superhero alias life, I'm just human at the end of the day. I'm not perfect or peachy.

No one that I know of is exempt from the healing process, but some ignore it, so I love to speak about elevating our mindsets where we can.

Sleep 101. The lost chapters. Every day we have the chance to regenerate and going to sleep could be the time you are in your own custom Med Pod (or however you envision it).

Right now I'm looking to collaborate with more advanced healers or aspiring conscious creators in the community who could use these techniques to enhance their product/service offerings. If you are interested, contact me below.

The Masculine And Feminine Aspects Of Being A Healer

While healing may sound love and light, the journey of the masculine and feminine aspects of being a healer is a heavy exploration that gives us wings and brings a person to their knees over a lifetime as we find balance, energy, and the roles we play in the healing process.

These aspects are not confined to gender but are archetypal energies present within all of us, regardless of our physical form.

They are often referred to as the anima and animus in Jungian psychology, representing the feminine and masculine energies respectively.

The feminine side of healing is often associated with intuition, receptivity, nurturing, and the capacity to hold space for transformation.

It is the yin energy, which is about being open to the flow of emotions and energies, and it is deeply connected to the Earth and its cycles.

The feminine healer listens deeply, empathizes, and uses compassion to connect with the person they are helping.

This side is about allowing, accepting, and being with what is, rather than trying to change it.

It's the energy that understands the natural process of growth and decay, life and death, and the wisdom of the body and the subconscious mind.

'Be a Healer' - Just The Next New Trend?

Unless you've been under a rock, you might've noticed the self-improvement industry has blown up lately.

In so many various angles, many are gravitating towards becoming healers or embodying those qualities with different identifications.

Why has it become taboo (or not) to claim you are a healer?

Are we all healers on some level?

A good healer is not just someone who applies techniques or processes, but rather someone who embodies certain qualities and virtues that facilitate healing at the deepest levels. 

The 7 Non-negotiable Qualities Of Healers

Pretty universal stuff, great to recap though.

I give large thanks to Secret Energy and Sevan Bomar for their Innerversity program, which upgraded my consciousness and my perspective in the way I approach creative coaching, and metaphysics of healing on a quantum level.

It's a rarely discussed but crucial step in our own self-evolution I am realizing more and more. 


A good healer feels a deep sense of understanding and connection with the suffering of others.

They are able to put themselves in the shoes of the person they are helping, and this empathy allows them to provide compassionate care.

Intuition: Healers often rely on their intuition, or their 'sixth sense', to guide them in their healing practices.

This intuition is a deep knowing that goes beyond the rational mind and can provide insights into the root causes of dis-ease and the appropriate methods for healing.


A good healer possesses thorough knowledge of the healing modality they practice.

This could be an understanding of human anatomy for a massage therapist, knowledge of herbs for an herbalist, or understanding of energy flow for a Reiki practitioner.


Healing is not an instantaneous process, it often requires time and the healer must be patient. They understand that each person has their own unique healing journey and timeline.


A good healer accepts individuals as they are without passing judgment, yet masters discernment.

This creates a safe space where individuals feel accepted and are more open to the healing process.


A good healer understands that they are not the source of healing, but merely a conduit or facilitator.

They acknowledge that the true healing power comes from the life force or divine energy that flows through all beings.


Healers often work with suffering and pain, which makes resilience a crucial quality. They must be able to maintain their own well-being while helping others.

Dedication to Personal Growth

A healer knows that in order to help others, they must first strive to heal and understand themselves. They are dedicated to their own personal growth and spiritual development.

These qualities are not necessarily inherent but can be cultivated and developed over time. The journey of becoming a healer is a journey of personal transformation and deep spiritual growth.

The Fem & Masc Aspects Of Being A Healer

The intricate dance of the feminine and masculine aspects within a healer is a reflection of the universal balance of energies.

Their harmonious interplay within a healer is key to effective healing and is akin to the yin-yang principle seen in many spiritual traditions.

The **feminine side** of a healer is receptive, intuitive, and nurturing.

This is the aspect that allows a healer to empathize with their client's suffering, to intuitively perceive the root causes of dis-ease, and to provide a nurturing space that facilitates healing.

The feminine side of a healer is also associated with the ability to connect with higher realms of consciousness, to channel healing energies, and to intuitively perceive the subtle energy fields.


This is the ability to be open and receptive to the energies, emotions, and stories of those they are healing. It also relates to the ability to receive intuitive guidance and wisdom.

This is the ability to tap into and trust one's inner knowing or 'gut feeling'. This intuitive sense often guides the healer toward the methods and techniques that will be most beneficial for each individual's healing process.


This aspect relates to the ability to create a safe, nurturing space where healing can occur. It involves providing emotional support, compassion, and understanding.

The masculine side of a healer, on the other hand, is active, analytical, and grounded.

It utilizes knowledge, experience, and techniques to facilitate healing.

The masculine side provides structure and direction in the healing process.

It is the aspect that applies learned healing techniques, analyzes symptoms, and takes decisive action.


This refers to the healer's understanding and knowledge of the healing modality they practice. It involves studying, learning, and applying healing techniques and principles. 


This aspect relates to the ability to guide others on their healing journey. It involves setting goals, creating a healing plan, and providing direction and structure.


This is the ability to stay grounded and present in the physical world. It involves being practical, realistic, and effective in applying healing techniques.

Both aspects are equally vital in the healing process.

The feminine side provides intuitive insight and nurturing space, while the masculine side provides the knowledge and structure necessary for effective healing.

The harmonious balance of these aspects within a healer facilitates a holistic approach to healing, addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

What The Irony Of Demonology Teaches Us About Healing

Ok… wait… what?

I can admit… it's an odd turn, but read these particular facts before you demonize me

…Demonology, a rich and complex field within the vast expanse of the occult, is the study of demons or malevolent entities.

It has been a part of various cultures and religions throughout history, each offering different perspectives and interpretations of what demons represent and how they interact with the world.

Let's run it back.

In the most traditional sense, demonology is (although not limited to it) often associated with the Christian tradition, where it is concerned with the study of Satan and his minions, and the means to drive them out of dodge in the name of eternal justice.

This interpretation has its roots in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, where the struggle between good and evil, between God and Satan, is a recurring theme.

However, it's crucial to understand that the term "demon" is not universally synonymous with "evil." In many cultures and belief systems, demons are not necessarily malevolent.

For instance, in ancient Greece, a 'daimon' was a type of divine or supernatural being that was neither good nor evil.

These entities could act as intermediaries between the gods and humans, guiding individuals towards their fate or destiny.

In the realm of the occult, demonology is not simply about cataloging names of demonic entities or recounting tales of possession and exorcism.

It's a complex field that explores the nature of these entities, their symbolism, and their place in the cosmic order.

It delves into the understanding of different dimensions of existence and consciousness.

An important aspect of demonology is the concept of the "shadow self" or the "dark side" of the human psyche, as proposed by psychologist Carl Jung.

This concept suggests that just as we have a conscious self, we also have a shadow self that holds our fears, suppressed desires, and aspects of ourselves that we reject or consider evil.

In this sense, demons can be seen as symbolic representations of our shadow self – not necessarily external entities, but aspects of our own psyche that we need to confront and integrate for true growth and self-realization.

Despite its dark and often misunderstood nature, demonology, when approached with respect and discernment, offers a profound exploration of the unseen aspects of our existence and consciousness.

It is a mirror that reflects our fears and challenges us to face our inner darkness, offering us a path toward greater understanding and self-transformation.


…Or did you see what happened there?

A Deeper Look Into Healed Healers*

Beyond The Technique

Healing is an art that encompasses more than just technical skill or medical knowledge.

Beyond the techniques and modalities, the most effective healers embody certain personal qualities and virtues that facilitate deep and holistic healing.

These qualities allow healers to provide care for the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. 

Empathy - A Key Virtue *

First and foremost, a good healer must have a high degree of empathy - the ability to understand and share in the emotions and experiences of others.

With empathy, a healer can truly put herself in the shoes of those she is trying to help, connecting with their suffering on a fundamental level.

This emotional resonance provides the compassion and care that supports the healing process.

Studies have shown empathy to be one of the most important factors in patient satisfaction and therapeutic outcomes.

An empathetic healer provides a safe space for vulnerability and emotional release. 


The Sixth Sense Healers often describe relying on intuition or a “sixth sense” when working with patients.

This intuition provides insights that go beyond rational knowledge.

It is a deep inner knowing sourced from a connection to the energetic field of the patient. Intuition may guide the healer’s choice of modalities, areas to focus on, or information about the root causes of dis-ease.

While beginner healers may not access this intuition regularly, it can be strengthened through practices like meditation. 

Extensive Knowledge 

While intuition plays a key role, healers also require extensive technical knowledge.

This depends on their particular modality - for example, knowledge of human anatomy for massage therapists, herbal properties for herbalists, or energy dynamics for Reiki practitioners.

Solid knowledge engenders confidence in patients and allows healers to provide safe, effective treatment.

Extensive training and education are required to develop this knowledge. 

Patience and Trust in the Process 

Healing is rarely instantaneous, and a healer must be patient with the process.

Progress happens in its own time for each unique individual. Pushing too hard for quick results can be counterproductive.

A good healer understands that healing unfolds according to the patient’s internal timing. By listening deeply and trusting the process, the healer can support gradual transformations aligned with the patient's needs. 


A good healer provides care without judging or criticizing.

This allows patients to feel fully accepted, encouraging vulnerability and openness.

Healers understand that each person is doing their best with existing resources and challenges.

Judgment obscures the empathy required for healing.

Maintaining this non-judgment often requires healers to deal with their own biases through personal growth. 


The most effective healers are also the most humble.

They do not see themselves as the source of healing, but rather a facilitator for the patient’s self-healing abilities.

Healing comes through the life force animating all beings, not the skills of the healer alone.

The healer humbly channels this healing energy, while the patient integrates the changes necessary for alignment with wellbeing. 


Healing work regularly exposes practitioners to human pain and turmoil, which can lead to burnout.

Good healers cultivate resilience against these challenges.

Through healthy self-care practices, they replenish their own reserves of energy and stability.

Resilience allows them to remain open-hearted, avoid fatigue, and sustainably practice for the long term. 

Dedication To Personal Growth 

Perhaps most importantly, great healers are committed to their own personal and spiritual development.

They understand that they can only take patients as far as they themselves have gone in healing.

This requires brutal honesty about their own wounds, traumas, and areas for growth.

Through practices like meditation, psychotherapy, and journaling, healers continuously expand their capacities for presence, compassion, and insight.

The journey to becoming a healer is nothing less than a journey toward wholeness.

While modalities and techniques can be taught, the essence of healing comes through the embodiment of empathy, love, wisdom, and presence.

By cultivating these qualities, healers are able to profoundly assist others on the path of inner transformation and enlightenment.

For The Advanced Healers

For seasoned healers looking to deepen their impact, cultivating personal qualities and virtues remains as important as refining techniques.

Building on the foundational principles, here are some advanced insights for mastering the art of holistic healing, listen deeply to what's unspoken. 

Learn to listen below words for the deeper emotional currents and unmet needs of those you serve.

Pay close attention to tone, body language, and metaphor as windows into the inner world. Create space for silence, presence, and emotional processing. 

Establish Clear energetic Boundaries

Protect your energy by establishing clear boundaries between your field and that of your patients.

Visualize a sphere of white light defining your space. Release cords pulling on your energy.

Stay grounded and replenish yourself between sessions. 

Make sure to pick up the free Energy Shielding & Scanning Guides from my course Metaphysical Anatomy & Innerstanding The Genius to see everythig laid out for you.

Develop Advanced Intuitive abilities

Deepen your ability to "read" people by tuning into the energy field and subtle cues.

Study the chakra system, human design, or the four elements.

Energy work can help open intuitive channels. Always cross-check intuitions with rational analysis.

Embrace Paradox and Non-Duality

Move beyond binary thinking and embrace paradox.

For example, hold the paradox of being fully open while maintaining strong energetic boundaries.

See how opposites actually contain each other in non-dual wholeness.

This develops higher wisdom. 

Practice Advanced Compassion

Expand your circle of compassion to include those who cause harm or hold opposing worldviews.

This requires recognizing the wounds and fears driving such behaviors.

Send love to challenges rather than judging. 

Integrate Your Shadow

Do profound personal shadow work to unearth unconscious fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs.

Be ready to process intense emotions that arise. Integrating your shadow creates more inner light to share. 

This also involves significant strength from the Heart Chakra, one of the most important and often overlooked.

Develop a Daily Spiritual Practice

Regular meditation, yoga, breathwork, etc. helps manage stress, deepen presence, and fill your cup.

This provides the stable foundation to hold space for others without burnout. Prioritize your spiritual connection. 

Keep Exploring New Modalities

Never stop learning. Remain open to integrating new modalities and techniques into your practice.

But also recognize the temptation to keep seeking outwardly before looking within. 

Ultimately, mastery of healing is mastery of the self.

By continuously refining your presence and compassion, you become a clear prism for higher wisdom to flow to those in need. Dedicate yourself to this inner work.

Bases To Cover: Breakdown For Beginners

Go slow!

Start with yourself. Not a savior complex.

Nurturing healing qualities within ourselves first.

From my notes and observations to those who consider doing this professionally...

Embarking on the path of holistic healing is a noble endeavor (somehow it became rebellious?) I think.. we are all meant to do it for each other in some way.

Healing is a part of daily life removed and often forgotten.

We would spend time to do it in a video game without even thinking but in reality, when do we make time?

I'm guilty of it lol

While every technique under the sun can be learned over time, the truest essence of a healer must be nurtured from qualities within.

Best Reference Points

Start with a Strong Intention

Clarity of intention is key. Healing must come from a genuine desire to serve others, not ego. Check that your motivations align with this spirit of service.

Keep connecting to this intention when challenges arise.

Focus on Developing Empathy

Make cultivating empathy a top priority.

Listen deeply, seek to truly understand different perspectives, and walk a mile in another's shoes.

Study paths of non-violent communication to deepen empathetic superpowers.

Value Personal Growth

This path requires personal transformation.

Identify areas for growth through practices like journaling.

Seek counsel from mentors and therapists.

Be ready to look within when life presents challenges.

Establish Self-Care Routines

Healing work can be draining, so self-care is essential.

Develop routines like yoga, meditation, healthy eating, nature time.

Nurture your needs first so you can be available for others.

Start Slowly and Organically

Don't rush the process or take on too much.

Let your practice grow slowly in harmony with your capacities.

Be patient with yourself as you build knowledge and experience.

Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is common when starting out!

Remember that even experts started as beginners. Focus on helping each person rather than proving yourself.

Keep Exploring Options

Take workshops and introductory courses on different modalities to find the right initial fit.

Many skills will be transferable later as your practice evolves.

The key is nurturing your unique gifts while maintaining a dedication to service and growth.

With pure intention and consistent practice, you will develop into a gifted and compassionate healer.


Remember, the dualities of the healing journey…  

This means life coaches, athletic therapists, health consultants, holistic doctors, and any wellness enthusiast can service people quicker, deeper, and better.

This is one of the skills I invested in during the start of the pandemic and haven't looked back since.

There has never been a better time to learn.

Test drive the interactive Quantum Frequency App: Genius Biofeedback with the 2-week trial you will get from my link, see what you think! I'm also putting together a free course (or pay what you can) teaching step-by-step how to do this for yourself and loved ones.

Follow Light Body Balancing for my best tips and strategies for using the app in ways that will blow your mind.  

MASC/FEM Healing - Easy Reference Guide:

The Feminine Side of Healing 

The feminine qualities bring receptive, nurturing energy to the healing process. In the feminine, the healer taps into the following: Intuition - using the inner sense, rather than just the rational mind

Empathy - connecting deeply to the emotions of the other person

Passive listening - giving space for the patient to express themselves

Holding space - being fully present and creating a safe container

Allowing release - enabling the expression of vulnerabilities, pain, tears

Providing comfort - through words, touch, warmth, gentle encouragement

Guiding to inner wisdom - supporting the patient's own inner healing abilities

The Masculine Side of Healing 

The masculine qualities bring active, directional energy to the healing process.

In the masculine, the healer taps into: 

Analysis - using logic, reason, and knowledge to understand the issues

Providing structure - guiding the session, giving homework, setting boundaries

Solution-focus - providing tools, techniques, and action plans to help

Challenging patterns - questioning limiting beliefs, offering new perspectives

Encouraging action - motivating and supporting next steps, progress

Providing clarity - distilling insights, summarizing key points and takeaways

Championing abilities - highlighting strengths and reinforcing self-efficacy

Energizing - inspiring hope, possibility, and empowerment

The most effective healers blend the receptive, compassionate feminine with the active, catalytic masculine in harmony based on the needs of each patient and situation.

Flexibly moving between these poles is an art developed through years of practice.


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I only endorse high-quality products and services that align with my brand. I appreciate you supporting me by purchasing through my affiliate links when they are provided. But please note I never recommend anything solely for the commission - I genuinely believe in the value of the products/services I share. 

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