The Great Awakening: Unveiling the Lost Secrets of Atlantis

The ancient civilization of Atlantis had advanced medical technologies utilizing energy, frequency, and vibration for healing. This knowledge was lost but is now resurfacing in the Great Awakening, a profound shift in human consciousness towards a quantum orientation. As we rediscover concepts of interconnectedness, vibration, and energetic balance, new approaches to coaching, consulting, and medical technologies are emerging. Coaches play a crucial role in guiding this transformation. The Awakening signifies humanity collectively moving to understand ourselves as energetic beings in a vibrational universe, opening up new modalities for holistic healing and alignment.

Aug 7, 2023

Lost History

8 min

 The Great Awakening is more than just a spiritual revival. It's a quantum leap in human consciousness, a profound shift that is unveiling the lost secrets of an ancient civilization - Atlantis. But why should we care about a civilization that disappeared thousands of years ago? The answer lies in the advanced medical technologies they possessed and the profound understanding they had of energy, frequency, and vibration, Nikola Tesla was onto something.


The Fall of Atlantis: A Historical Overview

Atlantis, according to ancient texts and folklore, was a highly advanced civilization that existed in prehistoric times. It was a society that had mastered the use of energy, frequency, and vibration to such an extent that they developed advanced medical technologies far beyond what we have today. However, due to a cataclysmic event, this civilization fell, and its knowledge was lost to the sands of time.


The Advanced Medical Technologies of Atlantis

 The Atlanteans understood that the human body is a complex energy system. They developed technologies that could manipulate energy fields for healing and rejuvenation. Imagine a world where diseases are cured not with invasive procedures or harmful drugs, but with the harmonious tuning of our body's energy field. That was the world of Atlantis. It's understood that Atlantis at one point fell by misusing its advanced technology, which parallels the experiences many of us are writing about around the planet right now.


The Power of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration

Everything in the universe, at its most fundamental level, is energy vibrating at different frequencies. This concept, now backed by modern quantum physics, was well understood by the Atlanteans. They knew that by manipulating the frequency and vibration of energy, they could achieve incredible feats, including advanced healing techniques.


The Quantum Orientation: A New Perspective

 Fast forward to the present day, we are on the brink of a similar understanding. The Great Awakening is not just about spiritual enlightenment; it's about embracing a quantum orientation. It's about understanding that we are more than just physical beings; we are vibrational beings living in a vibrational universe.


The Role of Coaches and Consultants in the Quantum Age

 In this new quantum age, the role of coaches and consultants is evolving. They are no longer just advisors; they are becoming quantum guides, helping individuals and organizations navigate the complexities of a quantum-oriented world. They are the bridge between the old paradigm and the new, guiding us through the Great Awakening.


New Approaches in Coaching and Consulting

With the quantum orientation, new approaches in coaching and consulting are emerging. These approaches go beyond traditional methods, incorporating concepts of energy, frequency, and vibration that wow people and create excitement. This creates new jobs for hybrid-style wellness practitioners, integrative health coaches, fitness trainers, Homeopaths, Healers, Athletes, and other Creative Careers too. In parts of the world where there is less access, this creates links for important knowledge and resources to be exchanged. The world surely could use more people who are about helping individuals and organizations align with their unique vibrational signature to achieve their highest potential, think of the impact.

If you are interested in becoming a coach or would like consulting, reach out through Services and I would love to help.


Here's a simple sequence diagram to illustrate this evolution:


The Great Awakening: A Quantum Leap

 The Great Awakening is more than just a shift in consciousness; it's a quantum leap. It's about humanity collectively moving towards a quantum orientation, where we understand and harness the power of energy, frequency, and vibration.


The Impact of Atlantis' Knowledge on Today's World

 The lost secrets of Atlantis are not just ancient history; they are keys to our future. As we rediscover this ancient knowledge, we are finding new ways to heal, to create, and to live. We are beginning to realize that we are not separate from the universe; we are a part of it, connected through a web of energy, frequency, and vibration.


The Quantum Shift in Consciousness

 This quantum shift in consciousness is not just about personal growth; it's about global transformation. It's about moving from a world of separation and competition to a world of unity and cooperation. It's about recognizing that we are all interconnected and that our thoughts, emotions, and actions have a profound impact on the world around us.


The Power of Frequency and Vibration in Healing

 One of the most exciting areas of quantum orientation is in the field of healing. By understanding that our bodies are not just physical, but also energetic, we can develop new healing modalities that work on the level of energy, frequency, and vibration.


The Quantum Approach to Health and Wellness

 The quantum approach to health and wellness goes beyond treating symptoms; it addresses the root cause of illness. It recognizes that disease is not just a physical condition, but a manifestation of energetic imbalance. By restoring balance, we can not only heal but also prevent illness.


The Future of Medical Technologies

 As we embrace the quantum orientation, we can expect to see a revolution in medical technologies. We will see the development of devices that can detect and correct energetic imbalances, technologies that can enhance our natural healing abilities, and therapies that can help us align with our unique vibrational signature.


Conclusion: Embracing the Quantum Awakening

 The Great Awakening is here, and it's quantum. It's about rediscovering ourselves in a larger orientation, we see it in the lost secrets of Atlantis, understanding the power of energy, frequency, and vibration, and embracing compassionate ways of advanced thinking that create opportunity and empowerment on both an individual and group level. As we navigate this quantum shift, coaches and consultants will play a crucial role, guiding us through this transformation and helping us align with our highest potential. We are in a time some call the quickening where the day may feel quicker and things around us are happening rapidly, what will you do, where will you be?



What is the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening is a shift in human consciousness, a move towards a quantum understanding of the universe where energy, frequency, and vibration are fundamental. A deep knowing that we are capable of much more than we ever imagined, we are in a grand cycle of new beginnings and shocking revelations. This is often described as a Yuga cycle. 

What are the lost secrets of Atlantis?

The lost secrets of Atlantis refer to the advanced knowledge and technologies of the ancient civilization of Atlantis, particularly their understanding of energy, frequency, and vibration. We see much of this reflected in Egypt with the Pyramids and specific artifacts, along with the Maya and other ancient cultures who reference times before the great floods 10,000 years ago.

What is a quantum orientation?

A quantum orientation is a perspective that recognizes the quantum nature of the universe, where everything is interconnected through energy, frequency, and vibration.

How can a quantum orientation help coaches and consultants?

A quantum orientation can help coaches and consultants develop new approaches that align with the quantum nature of the universe, helping individuals and organizations achieve their highest potential.

What is the future of medical technologies with a quantum orientation?

The future of medical technologies with a quantum orientation is promising. We can expect to see devices that work on the level of energy, frequency, and vibration, enhancing our natural healing abilities and helping us maintain good health. Many of these new companies prefer not to make medical claims because it is better to describe in other words. You can learn more about what many are referring to as 'Star Trek Tech' using light, sound, and frequency fields in my course Metaphysical Anatomy, where we have a section called 'Innerstanding The Genius' walking you through first steps with The Genius Quantum Biofeeback. Try it yourself for free here!


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