Q. If God Is A Designer, What Are We?

A look into humanity's artistic journey - from ancient caves to pyramids to modern tech expanding possibilities. Through it all, the creative spirit in people endures, just needing fresh visionaries to unleash it. Art continues evolving in unexpected ways, awaiting imaginative minds to shape its future.

Aug 17, 2023


5 min

The Art Transcending Time: From Pyramids to Pixels

As I scrolled through a feed of digital art, I paused on a surreal image fusing anime and hieroglyphics. This serendipitous discovery sent me on a journey through humanity’s artistic evolution, from ancient visions to modern technologies—pyramids to pixels.

The Ancient Urge for Symbolic Meaning

Think of 40,000 year old Indonesian cave paintings, with handprints flowing into animal outlines. Or Tibetan mandalas, abstract maps of spiritual realms created through meditation. Across cultures, art enabled sharing collective meaning.

The pyramids of Egypt (Some left over from Atlantis) also projected power into the future. These imposing structures fused architecture, astronomy and symbolism to launch Pharaohs into the afterlife among the stars. Art has always been more than decoration. It is the stitching allowing a culture’s interwoven purpose to endure.

Blending Tradition and Innovation

Of course, breakthroughs like Renaissance oil painting expanded creative possibilities enormously. But exchange also spurred innovation, as with woodblock printing spreading from China through the Islamic world to Europe.

Japan saw ukiyo-e prints bring art to the merchant class for the first time. Later, Ghibli films blended hand-drawn style with modern anime storytelling, just as Flying Lotus (one of my favorite Music Producers) fuses hip-hop and electronic music with taiko drumming. The joy is in unexpected combinations speaking to our current time while paying homage to other traditions.

Flying Lotus also composed the soundtrack for the acclaimed anime Yasuke, which explores the fascinating true story of the first African samurai in feudal Japan. Like his shows, the soundtrack masterfully blends Japanese and African musical elements to transport listeners between cultures. Beyond that, Notch One has described his sets as:

"An immersive audio-visual experience featuring a variety of cutting-edge visual content, including real-time animation and camera treatment, all displayed on stereoscopic 3D LED"

There's something fascinating that happens when that 4th wall is broken. When the ice is melted between you and the audience, there's a bridge that opens up to a place they would never ordinarily be able to go, and that's the magic of immersive storytelling. You can see themes like this also reflected in the way I put together Modern Synesthesia as a company pushing the boundary of what we thought was possible.

Similarly, Samurai Champloo (the show that inspired me to draw) exemplifies the art of remixing past and present. Set in Edo period Japan, it fuses classic samurai film tropes with modern hip-hop, graffiti art and anachronistic flourishes. This blend of heritage and imagination creates something novel yet familiar.

All three showcase that through fearless imagination, visionaries can bridge cultures and eras to speak to our times. As Flying Lotus' immersive 3D concerts visualize unseen worlds and Yasuke resurrects forgotten histories, they guide us to unexpected connections between who we are and where we're heading. It's only up to us creative pioneers to shape it.

Navigating the Digital Realm

My accidentally generated anime-hieroglyphic fusion reflects the modern intersection of technology and creativity. With emerging tools like AI art generators, we stand at a new frontier brimming with potential.

Platforms like DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Sibyl allow anyone to manifest their wildest imaginings with a few prompts. We can explore impossibly detailed fractal universes, conjure fantastical creature designs, and reinvent history with AI-aged celebrity figures. The possibilities seem endless in this creative playground, limited only by imagination. Speak your vision and AI can materialize it faster than any human artist.

But can algorithms truly replicate the human creative spirit? Or do they merely remix what we feed them? Some believe democratizing art is revolutionary. Others argue it devalues years of artistic practice and intent. Should art exist without a human hand involved at all? Can AI expand our vision or only homogenize it?

As with past innovations, the wise path forward lies somewhere in between—embracing potentials while recognizing limitations. AI may excel at recombining elements, but human ingenuity provides meaning and purpose. We must guide the technology thoughtfully, rather than become subservient to it.

The digital frontier still awaits our exploration. And while tools may change, human creativity persists as the vital spark to ignite progress. We possess the power to shape emerging technologies for human needs, not become shaped by them. Wherever we go next, the creative spirit endures, awaiting visionaries to carry the torch.

The Journey of Creativity

Reviewing this artistic journey across millennia, key truths persist—expression of the inexpressible, delight in discovery, imagination expanding perception. The tools change, but creativity’s essence endures.

Gazing at this serendipitous digital fusion, I feel gratitude for the long chain of inspiration leading here. Art’s source springs eternal in the human soul. With an openness to grow from the past and boldness to explore unknown frontiers, there are endless masterpieces yet to be shaped. The journey continues, awaiting new visionaries to carry the torch. If you'd like to join us in exploring the depths of the creative mind and quantum perspectives, check out my first course on Metaphysical Anatomy, Innerstanding The Genius.

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