
This is my main DAW go-to at the current moment. When I write and produce I'm using Ableton, although I really started off in Pro Tools after getting a degree in audio production and engineering. My verdict after 7+ years with the two - while I use Ableton more often I still record vocals in Pro Tools for its unique sonic characteristic.

I have found Ableton extremely flexible for more right-brained style sound design and Pro Tools more left-brained and linear. Whichever you like more, it's important to always try new things and never get stagnant by sticking to the same old approaches.

When I first got Ableton a good friend of mine used to challenge me to beat battles to help me learn. Whenever I would go over to his house we'd take the field recorder into some room of the house and make random noises scraping on objects, and knocking on containers just to get inspiration. The challenge was to take 2 noises and make an entire beat out of just those 2 noises. It caused us both to think more creatively, and use the warping and stock tools just to freak it out to make it sound cool. Ableton teaches you that you can do more with less, and you can also create a beautiful mess.


If you want to hear my music, you can find more here

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