
Made with Framer

Going into 2024 I was getting burnt out and feeling so spread thin I didn't have time for anyone, even myself. I knew something had to change so I went to the drawing board and this is what we found.

I knew for who I had to become in order to take care of the people around me I had to step up every level of the current operation, so I took a few months off to go dark mode, just focusing on observing as much as I could, then taking that information and distilling it.

After reassembling my new life and business goals, I realized I wasn't going to be able to move forward until I got my personal brand organized and focused.

This took weighing out a lot of designs for this project (maybe too many lol) yet kept coming back to the Dashfolio layout you are experiencing now simply because of how interactive and intuitive it was.

I learned most Designers design for other Designers lol

Once I removed my ego from a lot of the process, I saw a lot more freedom open up, and now I got no ceilings.

And it began to click. Everything just worked.

I immediately began to take action through the steps it took to get setup, the process has been extremely fruitful and rewarding.

As a naturally very DIY-oriented person, my goal was to have a professional space to express ideas, offer what I do, and put it together in a way that felt tangible and cohesive.

After doing an insane amount of research, building lists, and brainstorming after reviewing what creators like me really need in the next year, I stumbled upon this.

Every Dashfolio user is growing and making gains.

I think there's something to be said for that.

If you like this fully customizable template as much as I do, please support the creator and take your portfolio up a few notches because it'll save you so much time, and effort, and stress in the long-run.

You have full customization to make it what you want, the ability to have new income opportunities, and a world of cutting-edge tools at your fingertips.

In many situations, during this day and age, all we get from each other is just a short chance to make an impactful first impression.

Often in the design phase, we are thinking about ourselves and how we want to show things off, while some of the most successful designs by the data say simplicity is often best.

It took me a long while to wrestle with this before it all made sense, but now I see the power of functional design and show my artistry in other ways that balance everything out in my own brands.

If you are ready to invest in yourself, this is a fire first step that will kill 2 birds with one stone, maybe 3, 4, idk it depends on how many birds you're out to get. Tbh the birds don't even need die though, like… its cool… its not that serious, be chill.

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